Hey, you guys! I discovered something called the Internet Highway on the back of my cereal box today!
The box
A box of store-brand Crunchy Raisin Bran: the true future of Information Technology. I double-checked the expiration date to make sure it wasn't 1995. This particular box is set to expire on October 30 of this year.
Cereal box - back
Note the sweet font. The road signs with newfangled computer terms printed on them. The ISP cleverly represented as a Mario Kart-like "on-ramp" to the Information Highway. (denoted by the repeated use of the word INFORMATION. On a highway.) (Click to embiggen, in case you haven't figured that out.)
:::Begin transcription:::
Imagine the Internet as an endless, interlocking system of highways and roadways.
This system is made up of a large network of numerous smaller computer networks. These networks and computers freely share information. The information being shared is essentially a fast-moving, ever-changing stream of electronic data.
Just like a real highway, there are rules to follow.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a collection of protocols or rules, that govern the way electronic data travels from one machine to another across networks.
There is no speed limit on the Internet Highway. You can travel as fast as your Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows.
Okay, What's an ISP?
An ISP is basically your on-ramp to the Information Highway. Your ISP will assign you a unique Internet Protocol (IP) that makes your computer compatible to all other World Wide Web (www) servers.
Your personal computer (PC) is the perfect vehicle for cruising the Internet Highway.
Once you're up and running you can share information with others by typing in a specific Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL is also commonly known as a domain name or Internet address. If you don't know a particular URL, you can utilize a search engine to secure a listing of resources regarding a particular category of interest.
How Do You Share Information?
Electronic mail (e-mail) is the quickest, most efficient method to communicate over the Internet. You can send photographs by creating a jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group). A jpeg compresses the file size of the photograph and makes it easier to e-mail.
[From the blue box]
A fun way to liven up a casual e-mail is through the use of emoticons. These keyboard symbols can help to visually emphasize particular thoughts or emotions.
:-) Happy
:-p Stick out tongue
;-) Happy wink
:-/ Eh, whatever
:::End transcription:::
Also note the bitchin' Diamondtron NJ CRT monitor the family is gathered around. They are enjoying quality time on a Web site about koalas. It's kinda hard to tell, but my best guess is that they are using Netscape Navigator 2.0, on Mac OS 8.
What a nifty idea! I think I might have to get an ISP so I can cruise the Highway and e-mail some jpegs.