Who watches the Watchmen watchers?

Mar 12, 2009 00:13

broodingfool and I saw Watchmen this past weekend. I've never read the graphic novel, but judging from Moore's work that I actually HAVE read (Promethea), I get the feeling that the movie is quite faithful to the book.

On a side note, just to be clear: Watchmen is an ADULT movie. I read some asshat's blog somewhere where this woman is complaining about how the movie is being marketed to children and blah blah blah and really, lady, all the trailers and everything else I've seen is very dark and obviously not geared toward your kids. I mean, if you think they can handle it, that's fine, but don't come whining to ME about it when your kids witness graphic bloody violence, sexual assault, and nebulous blue wang.

Short version: If you're an adult (or a mature kid whose parent/guardian doesn't mind) and like dark gritty stories with lots of graphic violence and complex moral themes, then hell yes, go see this movie forthwith. And if you haven't already, read the damned book.


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