Aperture Science Sleep Laboratories

Nov 26, 2008 09:12

broodingfool bought the Orange Box this past weekend so we (I) could play Portal. Holy crap it's awesome. It's challenging without making me want to throw down the controller and stomp away. I'm addicted.

So yesterday I found Portal: The Flash Game and spent waaaaaaaaay too much time playing it. I was up until about 3 AM, never MIND that I have to be at work at 9:30, but I did get to level 35 before I finally forced myself to close the browser, shut off the computer and freaking go to bed. Coffee will be needed today.

After work I'm going to go get broodingfool and his cat, Azrael (a.k.a. Beast) for Thanksgiving-weekend festivities. It's gonna be a long day. I'm working until 6:30, so it'll be dark when I get off. Heh, I said "get off."

I was going to have a point to this entry, or at least something witty to say. I don't remember what it was.

beast, frost, games, holidays, not drunk

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