Lol big image spam. I ain't cutting it.
Okay, seriously. I'll do a proper review, now. So, TOKYO REVELATIONS, the long awaited OVA/OVD/whatever it's called today is finally here! We've waited months, a year, we've endured the horrible effort of the second season... and we've finally got acid!Tokyo with future Syaoran, Sakura being awesome and Subaru and Kamui and eee.
OPENING; Sychronicity by Yui Makino Of which, seems to be the most lines she has in the entire thing. She seems to repeat the same line over and over... well, thank god for them changing it a little so she had more sections, or she wouldn't have spoken at all. Anyway, to the point. I *love* the choir at the beginning, but then Yui comes in, and... well, I don't *love* her singing voice, to be honest. I think they should have had someone else sing it? *shrugs* That aside, after the second time through of the OVA, I really appreciated this song, even I don't think it suits her voice at all. It's quite sweet and gets you into it straight away. And the animation - it's quite cool. Simplistic, but very grabbing and overly cool. Points here.
FAITHFULLNESS TO THE MANGA; Passes with. FLYING COLOURS~! Oh gosh, I've decided I love OVA's. It's so accurate and precise and keeps everything in tune with the manga, which is what we want, right, TRC fans? Not some lame insert episodes. :/ Anyway, to the point - everything was kept, apart from a few extra scenes of Sakura talking to Subaru, but hey, no comaplints here. They got rid of two bits that I can notice - the way Fuuma and the Tower Gang arrive is changed and it's as dramatic as it is in the manga, since in the OVA they just... appear. On scooters. And it's not dramatic. XD Also because of that, Kamui goes hunting with his group, and well, his mind is in other places. Like, back in the reservoir, emoing over Subaru. XD Ah well, he tries to kill Syaoran - AGAIN - and Fai stops him, so all's well. And the first time Syaoran goes all clone-ish when Kurogane wakes him up in the morning. And Syaoran changing clothes! D: And, the most important part for me - when they 'met' each other in a dream. Seriously? I was so looking forward to that part. It's an awesome part. ;-; Duel Syaoran? Would have been win. Anyway, I've put together some things to show how faithful and precise it's been. Here we go:
Kurogane vs. Kamui. Absolutely awesome sequence, and is very very faithful. And pretty.
After Fai's conversation with Kurogane. I really like the colours for it, it's kinda dark like Fai's past.
Kamui saying he'll protect the reservoir, aka. Subaru.
ANIMATION; A++++. Seriously. Have you seen the scene with Syaoran and the arrows? It's so smooth and even one of my friends was admiring it, and she doesn't admire action sequences very much for anime unless it's really really good. Also the scene with Kurogane vs. Kamui - very smooth and true to how Kamui would fight. It's a lot better than how the anime was, even if in some of the shots Kurogane does look a bit weird. Sakura is, overall, awesome, and you can't really tell the hair colour differance. Fai, also. Syaoran's also very good, though so is real!Syaoran, too. Mokona has... shrunk? XD Really, it has, it's like half the size it was before. My calender weeps with the fact he's like three times as big. Weird.
MUSIC; I love the music, enough said. Even the new stuff, too. It's all good.
SEIYUU; Omigod. I forgot how much I missed these until they started talking together when they first arrived. I missed hearing Kurogane and Syaoran and Fai talk to one another with Mokona being cute in the background. ;-; And then one of the times, they laugh, and, it just makes me weep for the fact soon everything ends in tears. Anyway. Fai's, Daisuke Namikawa, really outshines himself by keeping the Fai voice we all know and love, and especially the part when he's complaining Kurogane's grip on his arm hurts. And then when it goes deeper, and darker, and he's laughing hollowly to himself? A+. Really. Awesome awesome. Can't comment on Yui or Kurogane's, I'm not really a fan of them and Yui doesn't speak much so there's nothing to rate. Subaru - good choice, surprisingly. I thought it wouldn't work, but his seiyuu just has that slight tone of voice that just screams Subaru at me. I don't know what it is, but it works, even if it is a little deeper than I imagined. Kamui = Miyano Mamoru, as I guessed before it even happened. Works really really well, though I think he should have been lighter, more Tamaki-ish? I don't know. He's awesome, all the same. And he says 'Sakura' at one point, so. SORARIKUKAIRIALLOVERAGAINAHEM And of course, Miyu, who I've missed hearing so much this year. He was awesome as predicted, cute, and just fits Syaoran. Even evil sounding Syaoran after breaking out of the case. He just works. Really really well. A+.
ENDING; Saigo no Kajitsu by Maaya Sakamoto I have a love hate relationship with Maaya's songs, and this one started off as a hate. But it's started to grow on me, especially the 'boku wa' lines. The lyrics are really sad and sweet. I love this sequence - the five leaving Tokyo, Fai with his blindfold, real!Syaoran, fighting Sakura - it's love. And then the X scrolling shot - normally I'd like more animation, but it really fits the mood. And Subaru appears. He's so awesome! Kamui'stoosexyforhiscloakapparantly. Overall, I really like this as it goes on, and the song started to grow on me after the second listen. And I love the ending shot of Infinity - third season, anyone? It's been suggested.
- Miyu is love
- Where's the next one? D:
- Syaoran is love. Both of them.
- Kamui says he'll 'protect' Subaru, and that's.. 'Mamoru'. LOOK AT HIS SEIYUU. I think this is amusing.
- Poor Fai.
- Sakura needs more lines.
- Subaru is love. Needs more lines. Needs more appearance making? D:
- Where's the next one already?
- Animation is love
- Music is love
- OVA is love~
- Where's the next - oh wait. Said that. WHERE'S NUMBER 3? D:
This is going on open to all, not friends lock, so. It's just my opinon, so don't kill me. And kind of cut short since it's late, but you know.