.. I had something super creative, but it's gone. WHERE ARE YOU. So, I've spent three weeks being all '8DD' over this approval, roudabouts. I may look like I haven't been doing anything - but I really really have. Colouring is the one of the most awesome past-times to come up with, but it takes a lot of time to do. XD And codes, and coding.. and stuff. ♥
Anyways, I'm babbling. I want to thank everyone for the luck, the support, and so forth.. I love you guys. ♥ Make sure you view the thank yous, kay? :D
h e l l o G o o d b y e ; axel and roxas (tafl) fanlisting Yes, the title is supposed to be like that, with a capital 'G'. I think Hori suggested it that way? XD I can't remember. I do know that I wanted to call the fanlisting this from the start, and that when people liked it, well, that definately called for me to use it. The capital 'G' also has significance in the sense that 'goodbyes' are important for these two. It increases their bond. ♥
So. The layout turned out.. black and white. How predictable. XD I spent hours agonizing over how to beat this god damn block I had for the layout, and finally came up with this first try. Needless to say, I love it. ♥ The codes took a while, but they're all using the effect (nabbed) from the banner on the shrine page. Which makes them pretty, no less. And yes, all the codes are also coloured XD (bar about three).
I'm still quite shocked at being approved and everything. XD Seriously! I hope I did them justice enough for everyone who was rejected~ ♥