App for capeandcowl

Sep 21, 2010 00:00

NAME: Icey
AGE: 20
JOURNAL: fortuneladyicey
IM: Fortunelady Icey
RETURNING: Kind of returning, but not playing anyone right now

FANDOM: Kingdom Hearts | Games
CHRONOLOGY: post Birth by Sleep | sometimes before KHII:FM
CLASS: Hero? Anti-Hero? Somewhere in-between
SUPERHERO NAME: Lingering Sentiment
ALTER EGO: Terra | wandering Keyblade bearer, seeking his revenge


Once upon a time the world was full of light, peaceful and beautiful. However - as it's human nature - people started to fight over it. Jealousy, anger and fear started to cover their hearts and eventually the world succumbed to darkness.

But there were still little bits of light left; inside the hearts of the worlds children and together they defeated the darkness and recreated the world. However the world was still fractured into many, kept in a precious balance between light and dark. Those were the Keyblade Wars.

Now the Keyblade Masters are almost the only ones with knowledge of the pathways between the worlds and safeguard them and the balance of light and darkness to keep the world order.

At young age Terra becomes apprentice to Master Eraqus, living with him and his fellow apprentice Aqua on the small world named 'Land of Departure', training to become a Keyblade Master. One day another Keyblade Master, Master Xehanort appears together with a young boy without memories, Ventus, and requests Eraqus to train him.

Ventus (nicknamed 'Ven') became the third apprentice in the Land of Departure and started to learn alongside the other two. Though originally quiet and sad, over the time Ven turned into a cheerful teenager, who loves being together with others and is very attached to Terra in particular, while Terra and Aqua have become very protective of him.

Time passes and eventually Terra and Aqua are ready to take the Master Exam. Just the night before the exam Aqua gives self-made good-luck charms ("Wayfinder") to the other two, claiming that they would intervene their destiny forever.

On the next day, Terra and Aqua take the exam, under the watchful eyes of Master Eraqus and Xehanort. Later manipulates the first trial of the exam, in order to be able to examine the skills of all three apprentice. In the last trial, Terra and Aqua are pitched against each other in combat. In the middle of the fight for just a second Terra falls back on the 'darkness in his heart', which is the reason why Eraqus decides to deny him the title of Master.

Disappointed Terra leaves, ignoring Aqua's and Ven's attempts to cheer him up and contemplating upon the meaning of this darkness inside him, thinking that it doesn't matter since he had the power to stand against it. He is joined by Master Xehanort, who tells him not to fear the darkness and that he simply had to add to his power. As the old master leaves, the bells of Eraqus' castle call Terra back inside. Eraqus reveals that Master Yen Sid had just warned him of a threat to the 'Princesses of Light', creatures that feed on negative feelings called the Unversed. Since he had not been able to contact Xehanort, Eraqus orders the two older apprentices to destroy the Unversed and to reestablish contact to Xehanort. He also tells Terra that this could be his chance to be found worthy of becoming Master after all. Just as Terra is about to leave, Ven appears and unbeknown to Terra follows him to the other worlds.

However Terra's overconfidence in his own power comes back to bite him and as he travels he finds himself sliding more and more into it, despite his intentions. It doesn't help that he keeps meeting the wrong kind of crowd in whichever world he enters (Maleficent, Captain Hook, Hades, to name a few). However his travels aren't fruitless and eventually Terra hears about a masked boy, who is somehow connected to the Unversed. After he consults Yen Sid, Xehanort makes contact with Tera and calls him to a strange, bare world. There Xehanort admits being responsible for the boy in the mask, Vanitas. Vanitas was created when he extracted the darkness of Ventus' heart - in order to protect the boy, he claims. Now he is out of control and so, Xehanort beseeches Terra to destroy Vanitas to end the threat and sends him to Radiant Garden, the world where he feels Vanitas will strike next.

Once arrived at Radiant Garden, Terra does not find Vanitas, but is shortly reunited with Ven and Aqua. There Aqua reveals that she had been following Terra at Master Eraqus' order and that she thinks Terra is edging to close to the darkness. Feeling betrayed by both of them, Terra replies that his mission hasn't changed and that he is simply walking a different path in order to defeat the darkness. Telling both Aqua and Ventus not to follow him as they all have their own paths to walk, Terra leaves, only to run into a mysterious man named Braig who claims to have captured Master Xehanort. Terra fights him to free the old master (not knowing that the fight itself is actually a set-up in order to awake his darkness) and leaves Braig scarred and without his right eye.

When Terra is devastated by his use of darkness, Xehanort comforts him, saying that Eraqus, Aqua and Ventus have too much light for Tera not to have darkness since both of those must balance. He offers to become Terra's new master instead so that they may protect balance between the worlds together. He instructs Terra to visit more worlds and find and destroy Vanitas, naming Terra a Master. Just as Terra is about to leave Radiant Garden, Ven finds him once again, pleading him to let him come along. Terra denies his request but says that he thinks that Ven will eventually end up saving him.

However during his travels he starts to realize how much Aqua and Ven's friendship actually mean to him and how much he really misses their company. Eventually he finds himself drawn to Destiny Islands, where he meets young Riku. When Riku tells him that he wants to leave to other worlds in order to become strong enough to protect 'the things that are important to him' (ie his friends), Terra performs the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, which grants Riku the ability to wield a Keyblade, and tells him to seek him out when he leaves Destiny Island, promising to teach him.

Once again traveling, Terra notices Ven somewhere ahead of him. Just as he is about to call out for him, Xehanort contacts him, saying that they need to speak immediately. Xehanort reveals that Ven has learned the truth about Vanitas and is about to question Eraqus on the matter. He sends Terra to follow them in order to protect Ven. Terra returns to the Land of Departure just in time to see Eraqus attempt to erase Ventus and jumps between them to protect his friend. Desparate when confronted with Eraqus strength and his own powerlessness to protect Ven, Terra reaches for his darkness. He sends Ven away from the Land of Departure and battles Eraqus, defeating his Master in the end, only to plead for forgiveness as he comes back to his senses.

Eraqus assures him that there is nothing to forgive since it was him who had also given into the darkness and raised his sword against Ven and Terra. Just as they are about to reconcile the weakened Eraqus is struck down from behind by Xehanort, who now reveals his true colors. Telling Terra to forget his grief and turn it into hate instead, he destroys the Land of Departure, stating that non of Eraqus' apprentices had a need for a home anymore and tells Terra to come to the Keyblade Graveyard.

When he arrives at the Graveyard, Terra swears to use his power for the sake of his friends. Finally reunited with Aqua and Ven, they confront Xehanort and Vanitas. In the middle of the battle, Xehanort creats Kingdom Hearts, hoping to see what lies beyond the Keyblade Wars with it's and the χ-blade (the ultimate key that is made of pure light and pure darkness - created by reuniting Ventus and Vanitas). Terra battles Xehanort while fully relying on his darkness, but as the old Keyblade Master is about to exhaust, Ventus defeats Vanitas - unwillingly creating the χ-blade. Xehanort delighted by that turn of events, stabs himself in order to possess Terra (which was why he had encouraged the young man to rely on the darkness in first place). In the last second Terra activates his armour to protect himself, but Xehanort is successful and takes over Terra's body. However Terra's mind still resides in the armour - becoming later known as the Lingering Sentiment - and battles Xehanort once again.

Even though he defeats Xehanort, the body is blown away by the blast of the χ-blade's destruction and the Lingering Sentiment stays behind in the Keyblade Graveyard, waiting for the day of Xehanort's return.

Terra's heart remains inside his body, dormant until Aqua battles Xehanort and awakens Terra long enough for him to stab himself with Xehanort's keyblade in order to expel his heart. However instead Xehanort's mind is rendered amnesiac and his body is almost drawn into the realm of Darkness. Only through Aqua's sacrifices, Xehanort (in Terra's body) is able to return to the realm of light, where he is found by Ansem the Wise and becomes his apprentice, hoping to retrieve his lost memories.

Meanwhile Terra's heart is still alive and battling Xehanort's with the help of Eraqus, swearing not to lose against the old man - no matter the costs.

Eleven years later a young boy named Sora comes to the Keyblade Graveyard, where he encounters Terra's lingering armor. Mistaking him for Xehanort, the warrior attacks, only to be beaten. Stating that there is nothing left but his hatred for Xehanort the Lingering Sentiment once again kneels down, to keep waiting.


Self-disciplined and goal-orientated, Terra was originally driven by his dream to become a Keyblade Master - a dream shared between all of Eraqus apprentices. He talked mostly rather causal, unless in presence of a person he very much respects, in which he becomes very polite (this applies to Master Eraqus, and to a point Xehanort). He is kind and easy going with his friends; teasing them just as much as they tease him. He worked hard on his skill with the Keyblade; becoming the strongest in terms of raw power and skill between the three of them. He had enormous expectations in himself, which are to an extend the reason for the 'darkness' in his heart. This darkness simply stemmed from fear - fear of failure, fear to disappoint his own and his master's expectations. It evolved over the course of time - his fear leads to anger, his anger to hate, his hate to suffering. Alright that's an abridged Star Wars-quote, but it very, very much applies in Terra's case. Pushed by Xehanort, Terra slowly started to wonder whether it was alright to rely on the dark feelings inside him, on the frustration and anger he felt whenever he was confronted with his own helplessness; which basically contradicts about everything he had ever learned from Master Eraqus.

Terra was very gullible; which is why he often ended up being used by several… less than trustworthy characters - though he always outright refused any task that conflicted with his own moral compass. He never questioned Xehanort's motives for contacting him or taking him under his wing - Xehanort was after all a far more experienced Keyblade Master, even if his views conflicted with that of Master Eraqus, surely it was not Terra's place to question them - at least until Xehanort used him in his plot to kill Eraqus.

However it is stated several times through, there was a 'light' shining in Terra's heart, that wouldn't weaken no matter how much he gave into his anger. This light was his feelings of friendship and loyalty to Ventus and Aqua. His devotion to those two's well-being was absolute - Aqua, whom he had presumably known for most of his life and Ven, who was like a younger brother to him. Though he pushed both of them away after the Master exam and later in Radiant Garden, Aqua out of scorn and Ven out of concern - he later realized that despite his intentions to walk his path on his own, his heart very much craved to be together with his two friends. Even eleven years later, his strong feelings for his friends remain - within Xemnas (Xehanort's new form), who often visits Aqua's armor, calling it 'friend' and seeks for Ven and the Chamber of Wakening in Castle Oblivion.

The Lingering Sentiment consists of Terra's thoughts, feelings and memories cast into the armor. He spent over a decade wallowing in them - foremost in his hate for Xehanort and in his concern and longing for his friends. However due not having a heart, Terra is no longer truly capable of emotion; he rather feels what he remembers it is supposed to be like to feel, which makes him seem rather cool and aloof (even more than he had already been before). He has learned from his experience with Xehanort and has become rather suspicious of other peoples motivations and doesn't shy away to question them aloud. He clings to one thing he has left, his absolute hatred for Xehanort and his loyalty to Aqua and Ven, hoping that one day he could Xehanort and reunite with his friends.


Keyblade Bearer: As the name suggests, Terra is one of the Keyblade's chosen; trained to handle the weapon and it's magic. As all bearers of his generation, Terra is able to sense the properties of one's heart; whether it is light or dark and which feelings have touched it. For Terra this ability also sometimes manifests in short premonitions; glimpses of someones past/future self, past/future events strongly connected to them or other future/past persons connected to either of them.

His Keyblade, Gaia Bane, has the ability to unlock all sorts of doors, barriers and even the pathways between worlds (though it while it will create portals, they won't lead anywhere but to the place they were created at due the nature of the City). It is also able to unlock and steal hearts, though the bearer has to call on the darkness for both of those tasks. When not in use, the Keyblade is hidden in a pocket dimension, from which Terra can call on it at any time in a moment's notice. It also transforms into a rather handy flying glider.

Keyblade Armor: In order to protect themselves from the darkness lurking in the pathways between the worlds, the keyblade bearers of Terra's time all wore an armor that also allowed them to fly at fast paces on their gliders and to breath in space. When not in use, like the Keyblade it remains in a pocket dimension with exclusion of one remaining piece. It is summoned by touching that piece.

Earth Magic: While Terra is not officially a Master, he definitely has the skills of one - gained through his long training in the Land of Departure and added by the time he spent traveling the worlds. This includes control about a large load of magic - mostly elemental (Firga, Curega, ect.). While I don't expect him be able to use it - it isn't his strong point anyway - however I'd like him to keep his affinity for Earth, which would manifest in him being able to produce minor quakes when his keyblade strikes the Earth and the Rock Breaker Command Style, which summons large rocks from the Earth beneath Terra's opponent.


[Accidental Video]

[The com hits the ground, falling out of Terra's pocket and jumping on when he sits down in some dark, dirty alleyway - totally unaware of the camera. He seems exhausted and he feels even worse than he looks; after ten years without it, he isn't actually used to having and moving in his body. He leans his head back against the wall, looking up, trying to address whoever is running the show in this strange world.] What am I even doing here? What do you want from me?

[After waiting for a reply and shaking his head when he doesn't receive one, he looks back down, snorting and muttering under his breath.] I'm not a hero. If this is about the same thing Zack was talking about… about 'people choosing their own heroes' or whatever it was… then you'll find yourself disappointed with me.

[Again there is no answer, but this time it doesn't seem like Terra expected one. A small, shaky noise escapes him, it might have been laughter, but it sounds utterly unamused.] There is nothing left… Even with my body back… there is nothing left at all. Nothing but my hatred for that man. Funny… how can I even feel it without a heart?

[He shakes his head and when he speaks up again, his voice is louder, colder. He raises his head back to the sky.] Whoever brought me here… Whoever gave me back my body… Whoever you are… Are you with Xehanort? Is this one of his schemes?

[His fists clenches, as he continues, voice carrying cold fury.] Of course, who else is left that knows about the pathways and their workings? Who else could manipulate them and would be willing to put the balance of the worlds at stake for some beyond-mad plan? Who else could pull this off; could pull me here?

[He stays silent again, waiting for an answer that doesn't come and his next words are a promise, one he has made often over the years, one that he would see through no matter what else happened to him.] I'm going to destroy him. Just after I destroyed you.

[He sighs softly when there's still no answer, resigning to rest until he is well enough to pick himself up again, when suddenly a star-shaped pendant falls out of his trouser pocket, landing near the com. Terra turns his head, frowning at first, but then his eyes widen in surprise and a small smile finds its way on his face.] Huh… I… haven't seen this in a long time…

[He reaches over to pick up the pendant, turning it in his hand, almost caressing it as he continues to talk to himself.] Looking out for me, are you?

[This time he seems to hear an answer and he nods, apparently satisfied.] That's right… I promised, didn't I?

[He waits again, fixating the pendant with a worried glance as he tries to feel his friends presence through it, tries to access the 'binding' kind of magic Aqua had woven into it.] … Aqua… Ven… These bonds… they aren't dead yet, right?

[Another pause, then a quiet noise - this time sounding far more at peace - escapes him, as he presses his forehead against the pendant in his hand, the corner of his mouth twitching up.] One day, definitely… the three of us…

[At this he climbs back to his feet again, hitting against the com as he staggers out of the alley, a few faint words reaching the microphone just before the feed cuts off.] Right, they are still waiting for me… Can't forget that… never…


He had forgotten so much.

The feeling of wind against his skin and in his hair.

The carefree sound of children's laughter.

The heat of the sun's shine.

Now that all those sensations were back so suddenly out of nowhere, they almost seemed oppressive. After all the years he had spent in the deserts of the Keyblade Graveyard, Terra wasn't used to being around people, never mind as many as he had seen traveling through the City's streets. Indeed he couldn't remember ever to have seen so many people in one place before, not in one of the worlds he had visited.

Then again, he had never stayed long - always intent to finish the mission and to pursue ways to use and control the darkness inside him (Foolish thoughts that had been, he knew now). He had never stayed to become more than passing acquaintances with the people he had met, had not formed bonds, like Ven and Aqua would have and surely had done.

Ven… Aqua…

What had happened to them, he wondered. Could he fix the damage Xehanort had done to their bonds so long ago?

His hand clenched around the Wayfinder in his pocket, the good-luck charm Aqua had created so long ago, the physical proof of the bonds between the three of them that had been returned to him in this dimension. It still carried Aqua's magic; it was humming vaguely beneath his senses, comforting like the presence of his old friend.

He wondered where they were now. And yet, he was glad that they weren't here, in this strange place where all pathways crossed and yet non opened (Had Master Eraqus known about it? Was this one of the secrets shared between those evaluated to be worthy of the title Master? Aqua would know…).

He on the other hand, fitted probably just fine. Fate had lead him here just like it had so long ago to the island with the star-shaped-fruit-tree, where he had met his successor, had been able to pass down his powers (even if he would not be able to keep his promise and train the child).

He would have to keep waiting. Wait to see what fate had in store for him now. Wait for the time to come when he would confront and destroy Xehanort.

He didn't mind as much as he would have once long ago. Waiting was something he had practice in by now.

FINAL NOTES ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: When Terra is ported in, he will regain his former body (minus his 'heart') as it was when he fought at the Keyblade Graveyard, before Xehanort played body-snatcher. With him he has the Gaia Bane Keyblade, his armor and the Wayfinder (which has no powers aside of being unbreakable and pretty).

app, ooc

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