Apr 20, 2004 12:54
yeah well one thing is really pissing me off lately. zack and rach..zack gets mad cuz he doesnt like going to shows with me and rach and then rach gets mad if i go to a show with zack. or if we all do go together zack gets mad for me talking to rach and rach will get mad if i talk to zack..or zack gets mad if me and rach talk to other people at shows. im sick of it, i really am, i dont see why we all cant go together, we like all the same bands, zack will see people there he knows and talks to, me and rach can do the same. to me its fucking stupid and immature. rach doesnt get as mad at zack does though, cuz i think shes more understanding, plus zack gets grouchy if you say 1 thing wrong to him. i dunno im sick of it, i fucking give up. im going to every time i die with rach, 18V with zack c-stone with rach and possibly ozzfest with zack, just go to every other one. i originally thought we all could go together but apparently i was wrong. they're my 2 best friends and i love em to death, im just sick of it, now i know why i havent been missing going to shows.
anyway, im passign nursing again, thank god. barley but i am. i need 66% on both of my A&P tests to pass. shouldnt be too hard. except tomorrow theres a test on fluid and electrolytes and the urinary system which i havent started to study for. i saw hot guy today, he cut his hair really short and its not really that hot anymore. and its raining out, finally, although it is messing up my hair.. bleh, i gotta go tanning at 2:30, i got the new bed, its so awesome, its huge and it closes all the way so my sides get all nice and tan and its basically almost as strong as a 10 minute bed but you stay in there for 20 minutes, it gets really hot, its nice. its like a tube shape too instead of it being flat so it doesnt make my back hurt. anyway, i think im gunna go start studying