
Jan 08, 2008 02:17

Today, instead of buying text books, I went and supported the little guy.  There is a bookstore up the street from the music school, owned by this totally crazy Polish lady.  I went and spent money I didn't have this afternoon on the following:

Kafka's Soup- A Complete History of World Literature in 14 Recipes
Poetry of Mid Century - 1940-1960 (containing on eof my favourite poets, Alden Nowlan, yay!)
Leonard Cohen's Beautiful Losers.  Sure to be a good read... extremely erotic and bizarre.  Nice and light. ha. ha.
JAck Kerouac's On the Road (I am clearly trying to drag my coming of age out as long as possible)

I intend to become extremely anti social over the next few days reading and never leaving my house.
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