Apr 12, 2007 17:47
Its time to be random.
And waste space on your Friends list pages....
First off.....Frozen grapes are delicious. You should have some.
And now......go.
I havn't updated in a while, but I suppose that doens't matter because i have no friends. ._.
I don't know if you know this Lj, but i bought a laptop a while ago.......a long while ago.......
An Acer. Windows Vista. Pretty colours :D (*which is all she really cares about*)
And I already have tons of crap I really don't need on here...
The most randomest anime pictures ever... that I end up putting on photobucket.
TOO many pictures of myself. and my family... more pictures of myself.
A slutty picture of myself that makes me die with happiness because I wore fishnet stockings.
...hot stuff....
....Not me, the stockings.....
And I feel really lame today... Not Lame as in ''un-cool'' because I'm the shiz..
But lame, as in... you look outside....you look in the mirror...you look at your soul......And just go, ".........lame..."
OMFG...the suns out. o__o only took my ten minutes to notice it.
Well thats pretty....It illuminates the McDonalds sign next to the American Flag nicely.
........God bless america. e.o
I wasted all my money on stuff i reaaaallllyyy did need.
Like wannabe gothic accesories.
cute black and white beaded necklaces, and bracelets. Makeup....YES..makeup...
foundation really... AND black and red eyeliner... ........the red one stains.......
black nail polish.. (because we all know how I love pretending to be gothic.)
and....lessee.... I gained weight. e.o
when i ask people they're like, "whatchu talking 'bout bish?" But i can tell..
because I feel increasingly hopeless each day.
although recently that hopelessness has dissapeared, so i guess I rightened myself.
it snowed....incase you failed to notice....
And I took all that plastic keep-the-cold-out crap that was on all the windows...
that made me angry... ......so much for global warming.
I bought alot of hentai:
La Blue Girl Returns 1 2 and 3 4
Midnight Sleazy Train (my favourite, as well as Wataris)
Teachers Pet
Custom Slave
and Maiden Diaries.
......because I'm a sick sick perv, and I like it.
oh yea... I'm pretty sure I'm not going to graduation..
I'm GRADUATING, hopefully, but i wont walk.
BEcause I failed Mystics and Martyrs and I failed to add a class 2nd semester.
.....my moms gonna hate me...... OH well..
Maybe NOW she'll let me start my life over in Georgia with my cousin.
.....I'm hoping to GOD I can move there when I'm done....
get away from these problems..
Speaking of the bitch from hell...My moms losing it lately.
She's gotten bitchier. moreso than usual.
.......she says "Fuck" alot, now....... bizzare.
what else...?
I've fallen deeper in love with Jonh, lately. And viseversa...
And we're not sure why...
When he calls..sometimes we do the kissykissy thing..
Me: "mwah"
Him: "Mwah"
Me: "mwah"
Him: "Mwah"
Me: "mwah"
Him: "Mwah
Me: "mwah"
Him: "Mwah"
Untill we start laughing... and i feel complete.
But we get so sad..that we can't see each other.
....And im not afraid about my growig relationship with Watari, either.
Its an RP thing... Even when he calls me, he reffers to me as Eva.
and himself as Watari.
We talk about our lives sometimes, but then its always Eva this.watari that.
...i was sad at first, but its better this way.
I fall in love faar too easily.
....are you still reading this? .....bizzare...
I love you, if you are..
wait a sec.....I'm a stupid girlfriend, why do i even bother?!
Gah... i make myself sick.. how much i rely on him.
I call him up and make him help me figure things out with my laptop.
i whine when something hurts, or when my internet fails.
blleehhhh and all i get from him is..
"Aawww, sweetie, my sorry."
>< I hate those kind of girls, and yet I've become one.
I've truely changed. ....for the better......?
lately I've been feeling like the weakest link of the family.
I'm the only one who doens't know what they want to do.
only one without a job.
only one failing. e.e bleeehhhh
I'm geting closer to Timber as well...
this may or may not be a good idea.
because when it comes to ''wanting to do it''
....i could possibly give myself away....
and i can't do that...
Oh yea...and Scotti too... we talk about doin' it a lot.
...and HE'S in Kenosha...
bleh...I've GOT to save myself though.. For John.
And I'm pretty sure he'll never go to Milwaukee, so I'm safe.
But then theres Giovanni Vasquez...(is it s or z? i can't remember)
But DAMNIT him too.... "when we gonna _ _ _ _?" "i'll do this, I'll do that"
"I want you" blahblahblah
I can't go to the club because He'S there.
can't go to the club because I only go with Kellie and she hates me.
aaaaaahahahha, Life is hilariously cruel.
But I WILL save myself... I WILL give myself to John.
....I have to..... v_v its the least i can do.
Hm....I wish I could cosplay Yoruichi..
That would be kickass.
Plus, John said he's be Ichigo if I wanted him to.
.....heh.. >_>
although I hate the YoruxIchi paring, if its John, I dont mind.
...I look forward to his call each night.
........but I also anticipate Watarikun's call too...
Oh yeah....I'm slowly gaining a lot of cash on Gaia.
kickass, buddy...yeeaaaboooiiii.
I want a fecking TAIL all ready. ><
And some wings, maybe.
Oh....the sun is gone...
Thats my cue to get the hell out of here.
-love me-
(^^^^like saying Key-chan, which would be
a cutesy japanese nickname for myself.)
PS:....I AM, indeed...A ''Goofy Goober"....just thought you'd like to know. <3