
Feb 04, 2008 22:04

So I got home on the 15th from Europe, which was incidentally the last day that you could send in registrations via mail for the presidential primaries. I assumed that I had missed the deadline, but now I think there are some other ways to register in person, but have I now missed those too? I didn't vote last election, but I would like to vote this time around, can someone tell me what to do about this?

I was inspired today while biking across the Charles seeing lots and lots of people holding up Obama signs, and then hearing lots of passing cars honking in approval. I really like Barack Obama, so I'm hoping that if I don't get in on the primaries that he'll win anyway. But in any case, I feel like if Hilary wins, it will at least be partly like having Bill back in office, so I wouldn't be terribly crushed. Still, I would prefer Barack. I never cared about primaries before, I guess since they didn't have high profile candidates that I actually liked; it's kind of exciting.

Today was reg day, which means that school is starting tomorrow. I'm really sad about this. On the one hand I'm glad to be busy again, but I really don't want to do any work for real. And the whole TA thing is going to drag me down, I thought it would be different this time, but I still feel nervous that I won't know enough or be smart enough. It's kind of nice that the class is going to be taught in Teal style now because i feel a little bit less pressure to lead a class by myself, but at the same time I lose that intimacy with my students that I enjoyed, being able to joke with them and teach them the way that I want to and knowing that if I screw something up I can make up for it without the professor being there.

I forgot to pre-reg until past the second deadline, so now I'm just hoping that the registrar doesn't charge me the late fee, which would super suck. I met with Prof Freemen to register, and I always wish I had more to say to him because he's a really sweet old guy, but I always think it's kind of awkward at the meetings because I don't have a lot to talk about. I signed up for advanced graphics and linear algebra. More hot professor YAY! But I really don't want to take 18.06, and it's taught by the same guy, but now I really have to commit to the class and just suck it up and do the work, which sucks. Hopefully I can budget my time a little better this time around, because I think the advanced graphics course is probably going to be even more work that before.

I also got assigned an office today, which is so much better than last time when I only had tutorial space once a week for an hour. I didn't know that there was a difference until Hallie told me that she and Dimitrios shared and office, and I knew that they didn't know each other beforehand, so I pieced those things together to figure that they were assigned that office. Also, we had staff meeting today, discussed grading and other assorted things. There are only four TAs this term, one of them being Jay, and another one being Jeremy, Artessa's boyfriend. So that was cool that I already knew everyone present (I don't know where the last TA was, but I think I'm the only girl).

One more thing is that I went to Armin's runthrough yesterday, and we actually did the runthrough for half of the time rather than just practice upstairs. I get so frustrated. I'm so sick of Wei and his constant explaining things, but the thing that I hate most is that he's always saying what I should do and not even thinking about himself. Which I know he doesn't mean to and that he just doesn't have a mouth filter, but what annoys me about this is that yeah maybe I have to work on stuff, but he does too, and he gets so distracted criticizing me that he forgets about himself. The other thing that is frustrating is that I wonder if maybe I just don't have the right body to dance latin. My legs are too short for my upper body, and that's something that really bothers me. I would hope that I'm just still not moving correctly, but it's a difficult thing to pinpoint. There are lots of people, like Yan for example, who are quite good, but for some reason they're just lacking some look, and it has to do with the movement of the body, but it's so subtle I'm still not sure what it is. I wish there was some sort of analysis software, I know this is a bad example, but like Michelle Trachtenberg in Ice Princess had for figure skating so that you could analyze exactly what you were doing wrong. Maybe I should write some?
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