(no subject)

Dec 11, 2008 22:23

I know its been a while since I've posted and I've got a few minutes as I wind down before bed.  Things have been a bit hectic here but overall they've been good.  I can't complain too much.....

Overall, things have been going very well.  School is good, other than a few minor issues, but they've been taken care of.  Some parents are just nuts and that's that.  I did get a new student in that low level Geometry class that I teach.  He's been fine with me, which is a good thing!  He was moved from the other class because he makes inappropriate gestures, says inappropriate things and threatened the 2nd year teacher.  So needless to say, administration had to do something.  (he's a classified special ed kid with major emotional issues).  So they decided to change his schedule and give him to me because the case manager and my principal said, "don't worry, Brown will kick his ass".  Glad that they have so much faith in me.  It does help though that I have already met the mother and we had a big sit down meeting to discuss behavior modifications.  He was told by the VP that if he didn't shape up, that he'd be shipped out to Mercer County Special Services.  Which, is always a last resort.   ..........Can't wait until Winter Break!!!

We celebrated Ty's first bday.  His bday isn't until the 21st but we figured that was too close to Xmas to do anything so we scheduled it early.  He was so good.  Didn't want to miss a beat all afternoon.   Sunday he was awesome too.  We went to a football party and he was great.   Then Sunday night, things took a turn for the worse.   He's teething really badly!!!  The top tooth is trying to break through and he's been fit to be tied since Sunday night.   Between Sunday night and Tuesday night we got about 9-10 hours sleep total.  So needless to say work has been difficult this week.  He's got the fever, congestion and his nose is running like crazy.  Poor kid.  He actually did really well last night.   We got about 5-6 hours of sleep and I felt like a million bucks today!!! It's amazing how getting more than 3 hours a night is a godsend.  Keeping our fingers crossed that he'll sleep through tonight too.   He did wake up early, at 5am, with me and completely screwed up my entire morning routine today, but that was ok.  He slept through most of the night.

Now, here's what's causing me stress.   We got the letter from Goddard yesterday about welcoming Ty come January.  It included the expectations, a letter from the teacher, and the daily schedule.   After reading what he should be able to do upon entrance, I've started to get very stressed out and panicked.     He's no where near ready for this.  He's been behind a little bit, developmentally, because of the helmet.  But according to the letter from the teacher he's supposed to be self feeding.  He's not.  He won't even put the puffs, cherrios or whatever else in his mouth.  They also want him to be bottle free and only use the sippy cup.  Only one item a day is supposed to be fed to him by an aide.   And there are 2 snack times along with lunch in the schedule.    I was going nuts today thinking about it and even called the pediatrician.   They told me that boys especially, most times, will not be self feeding until about 15 months.  And they said that between 12-15 months we should be weaning him from the formula to the milk.   He's pretty good with the sippy cup but I really don't think that he'd be ready to take an entire sippy cup full of milk/formula.  I'm worried that he won't be getting the nutrients that he needs during the day b/c no one is there to feed him his snacks and such.  I was so upset today I lost it when I was talking to my mother.  She actually brought it up b/c Pete mentioned to dad this morning that we had received the letter and we were a little distressed about it.   She knows how excited I was for Ty to play with other kids but I'm afraid that I'd be worried all the time that he won't be eating.  He'd be there from 7:30 until 4 and that's a long time without his bottles and full lunch. I don't know what to do..... After talking to mom today she offered to continue with Ty full time until June.  She said that she wasn't ready to give him up yet.  Pete and I discussed it tonight and we are pretty sure that we are going to defer the start of the program until next Sept.  We'll most likely lose the deposit but as Pete said, if all we're going to do is worry every day then it's not worth it.  So take the deposit, who cares.

Mom has been so great with him.  I think I mentioned that she's a retired physical therapist and she's been working with Ty on some of the developmental stuff that have been slowed by the helmet therapy.  Also, in this meantime that I haven't written we went back to CHOP for Ty's 4 month check up on his helmet and the doc said that he's most likely going to be wearing it until he's 15months old.  (give or take)  At least until the scans show that the rate of change has leveled off and the helmet isn't doing any good anymore.  We were concerned with him wearing it at daycare anyway so this would allieviate all of our fears there and Ty could finish out his term in the helmet.

I don't know, the whole thing is driving me crazy.  I don't want mom to feel like it's a full time job for her.  I want her and dad to be able to travel and do things.  But I'm just so concerned about this self feeding, no bottle thing.  There's no way in 3 weeks that we can train him to eat solid food from his tray and drink all of his milk from a sippy cup.  It's just an unrealistic expectation.  They won't put Ty back in the infant room b/c he's a year old but at least there they do feed the kids and make bottles.  That room is full anyway and we'd have to pay for full time in that room whether we utilize it or not.  I"m going to call tomorrow and talk to the head teacher of that room.  I just want to know how much she really expects a one year oldb to do.  I've read the books, checked online, and even talked to the peds office.  He seems to be right on track with everything.  Even they admitted that it was unrealistic to expect a one year to feed him/herself.  If that is truly what they want of him, we'll have to pull him out.   Pete's fine with it and it was mom's suggestion.  As long as she is ok with taking him I think that would be the best thing to do.

Motherhood is rough!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.....