The Beginning..

Jul 20, 2009 18:27

So I am starting fresh here.. some of you may have known me before as witch_baby83 .. but I've changed.. my world has changed so this is a new start. Witch Baby had been a character I had loved in a novel I read once upon a time.. Ling Ling was a nickname I picked up from an ex-co-worker and that has stuck around. I've changed and evolved as I get older and the world keeps turning and I had lost connection with the witch baby in me.. so I didn't want to just start up writing in that journal again.. so this is a completely clean slate for me.. i've deleted witch baby and created ling ling..

I don't know about anyone else but my life is starting to feel like a storm.. like I am trapped in the eye of a hurricane and I have no control over where I am going but any thing or person I get to close to gets washed away by the storm.. Many people in my life are starting to settle down... I guess thats the age we are at in our lives but I feel like my life.. my world wont let me.. I so desparately want to feel the calm.. I want to have the husband.. the family.. but its just not working out that way.. don't get me wrong.. I am in love with a wonderful man but it seems like while I am getting older.. my life is stagnant.. and I am lost.. I'm lost in my feelings for myself and for others.. mainly I am lost in thought.. and maybe if I lose myself in words.. in writing.. in this journal... maybe I can find myself again.. maybe I can calm this storm that is my life and reach that point that so many I know have..

I intend to keep my thoughts, feelings, rants, rambles, and experiences here.. I intend to write when I feel inspired.. but also I will try and post regularly once a week(most likely fridays because they are my only true day off where I can sit back and think..).. if what you read and see here is something you can relate to or intrigues you please don't hesitate to comment or friend me.. I'm looking for voices in the storm as well as creating my own calm..

This journal is my experiment.. Thank you for being my witnesses..
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