Jun 22, 2009 11:53

Fandom Superlatives!

Go vote for BSG, Stargate, Legend of the Seeker, etc. I JUST finished my fair share of nominating/voting so GET TO IT!

Hamerons: I nominated Cam for most underrated character. Those of you that haven't voted yet...go rock it for her. XD And pimp the crap out of this to your flists!

Sparkies: go back me up, my darlings! I just HAD to nominate Sparky as the best ship overall and as best fanon ship because, as you know, it's just too canon for canon. *EG* I ALSO had to drop Sheyla as the worst name for a pairing so...DO ME PROUD, MY LOVELIES!

ALSO - because I've been MIA for the most part lately, have this little meme now...

If there is one person or more on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.

You ALL are amazing. I don't know what I'd do without any of you out there to keep me sane!

Expect an update on ONE of my fics this week. Probably Solitaire. (*GASP!* I know! You aren't doing your job in prodding me onward, my Sparkies! I got poked by someone at Command Dynamics to update...so I shall. Someone give me something to kick my muse back into overdrive, please?! I'm stuck on Sam/Martouf/Lantash right now. *SIGH*) AND, maybe I can work out a couple of drabbles as well. XD

The hubby will be gone ALL WEEK for youth camp and I shall be alone. Except for today. Today I will be shopping for shoes to replace my favorite ones...considering the metal arch piece has decided to poke out the bottoms. *POUTS* At least they were only $8.50.

On another note, next week I will be in Dallas with the hubby. BASEBALL , FTW! OMAR VIZQUEL, I AM COMING FOR YOU. ♥ X 100000000000000. AND Six Flags!!! YESSSSSS! Theme parks, baseball and waterparks, OH MY! XD VACATION IS REQUIRED! And then in September I will be in Cleveland. YESSSSS! MORE BASEBALL! (And where I can actually get AWAY with wearing my Indians gear! LOL!)

WOOT! SUMMER! (Like it's any less busy for me anymore.)


rl: vacation, ! fanfic, sports: baseball, meme: general, rl: general, fandom: general

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