Song and Picture Prompt fic challenge?

Jul 22, 2009 21:11

Partly because I've been listening to The Kinks a lot lately, and partly because I'm re-energized about the House/Cameron ship, I've been toying with the idea of doing a song and pic prompt fic writing challenge here at lines_crossed.

First of all, I wanted to gauge if anyone would be interested in participating, and, if so, if a few of you want to work with me to find songs and pics to hand out for prompts or to basically work with me to figure out how to, well, work the challenge. After all, it seems somewhat presumptuous of me to be the only one handing out prompts. But the fic challenge would be a way to generate more H/C fics and to have some fun.

Comment on this if you're interested in participating and/or helping with it.

fic challenge

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