Two (2) Days

Sep 08, 2008 17:27

We return.

Prague = Brilliant

Back in Maidenhead/Police State England = Steaming pile of shite

This afternoon = 3000 emails. 5 URGENT voicemails. 2 working days I've been off. That's all.

Most emails = SPAM (obviously), far too many are 'fuck, where are you, I need stuff' from clients I gave three (3) months notice to and a reminder two weeks then five days before I went.

How much can go wrong in my absence? Apparently, a fucktonne.

Still feeling like shit (hurrah), am working on it.

Still buying a house (oh fuck), scaring the shit out of me.

Still trying to sort my life out generally (failing).

Would tell everyone how great Prague was but it will bore you to death, and depress me that I'm not still there. So not going to bother, I refer you to the above: Prague = Brilliant. Made me aware of what a fucking stink-hole this country can be. The ONLY cunts we experienced all weekend were English, and all the English people we experienced were cunts.

Enough moaning. I have a mountain to get through. If you want/need anything from me right now, do me a favour and give me a few days to get back on track.

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