Dec 11, 2004 16:19
[ had a nightmare ]: the last real nightmare i remember is the dream where i got shot... i wrote an entry about that awhile ago.
[ said "i love you" and meant it ]: say it to my friends all the time... :)
[ ate at mcdonald's ]: hmm... i honestly have no idea.
[ dyed your hair ]: uhm? when was the last time laura? lol it might have been 2-3 halloweens ago?
[ brushed your hair ]: define "brush"... with an actual brush? um.. halloween. lol.
[ washed your hair ]: yesterday afternoon
[ checked your e-mail ]: 2 hours ago.
[ cried ]: thursday night
[ called someone ]: last night i tried to call Tina A. but got no response.. last person I called that picked up... Joe.
[ smiled ]: hehe... bout 2 minutes ago when I was thinking about Joe... :-p
[ laughed ]: on the drive back to wcu with joe
[ talked to an ex ]: yesterday
do you...
[ do drugs? ]: that's a big no
[ have sex? ]: i've been known to, lol... but not recently.
[ sleep with stuffed animals? ]: not currently
[ have a dream that keeps coming back? ]: not recently, no.
[ play an instrument? ]: cant say that i do.
[ believe there is life on other planets? ]: i kind of hope so.
[ remember your first love? ]: yes
[ still love him/her? ]: on some level i guess so.. but not "in love"
[ read the newspaper? ]: if something catches my eye.
[ consider love a mistake? ]: love is not a mistake
[ like the taste of alcohol? ]: not really
[ believe in God? ]: yes
[ pray? ]: not really
[ go to church? ]: christmas eve service is about it.
[ have any secrets? ]: nothing about me is really secret... but there are things i know about other people that i keep to myself.
[ have any pets? ]: no, unless you count the roomie. :-p
[ talk to strangers who instant message you? ]: generally to try and figure out who they are. hehe.
[ wear hats? ]: sometimes
[ have any piercings? ]: none at the moment
[ have any tattoos? ]: nopers at the moment
[ have an obsession? ]: not really obsessed about anything?
[ collect anything? ]: Lemax
[ have a best friend? ]: yeppers
[ like your handwriting? ]: absolutely not
[ have any bad habits? ]: haha, don't we all?
[ care about looks? ]: it plays a part on some level.
[ boy/girlfriend's looks? ]: im not sure i entirely understand the question?
[ believe in witches? ]: bitches? oh wait..
[ believe in satan? ]: mmm... not really.
[ believe in ghosts? ]: yes
[ mood ]: tired but happy.
[ music ]: lifehouse - everything
[ taste ]: gingersnaps
[ hair ]: lol - sex hair.. but.. i didn't have sex. haha.
[ annoyance ]: the weather [although the weather channel said some snow next week.. YEA!)
[ smell ]: hmm.. i don't really smell anything.
[ thought ]: "i need to pee"
[ book ]: Prozac Nation [but i've barely gotten into it... and its kinda depressing.. so i think im going to put it away for now)
[ fingernail color ]: haha like jenna said... naked.
[ refreshment ]: PEPSI
[ worry ]: biology final
[ crush ]: Joe, but I don't think it's much of a secret. hehe.
[ favorite celebrity ]: Gillian Anderson
last person...
[ you touched ]: Joe, I do believe it was a kiss-hug combination.
[ you talked to ]: in-person... joe, online... chris.
[ you hugged ]: Joe
[ you instant messaged ]: lol, Joe.
[ you yelled at ]: really yelled at? Chris... two mondays ago.
[ who broke your heart ]: eh..
[ kissed ]: haha.. Joe.
>last cigarette: never smoked.
>last car ride: ride home with Joe
>last library book: don't have a clue... I either find what I need online or I buy the book.
>last movie seen: At the movies: Finding Neverland, On DVD: Bourne Supremacy
>last book read: Angels & Demons
>last cuss word uttered: i honestly don't know.
>last beverage drank: Pepsi
>last food consumed: ginger snaps
>last time showered: yesterday afternoon
>last annoyance: the redundancy of this survey?
>last disappointment: hmm, not sure.
>last soda drank: Pepsi
>last thing written: hand written? a birthday carl to joe's friend paula.
>last key used: dorm key
>last word spoken: later
>last sleep: last night
>last ice cream eaten: hmm.. neopolitan last weekend.
>last time amused: haven't stopped being amused since last night.
>last time in love: mmm.. awhile ago.
>last time resentful: ugh, bad emotions.
>last lipgloss used: Chapstick count? if so... last night.
>last underwear worn: navy blue boxer-briefs
>last shirt worn: green with blue sleeves from old navy.
>last time dancing: real dancing? Woody's two wednesday's ago.
>last poster looked at: i guess joe's james dean poster
>last show attended: i believe it was Jason Mraz w/ Clare.
>1 MINUTE AGO: Meghan IMed me.
>1 HOUR AGO: I was laying in bed.
>1 DAY AGO: I was getting ready to go out with Joe.
>1 WEEK AGO: lol, I believe I was getting ready to go out with Joe...
>1 YEAR AGO: hmm.. I was working at Blockbuster.
>I HURT: when I feel alone.
>I LOVE: my friends.
>I HATE: one person.
>I FEAR: 3 things.
>I HOPE: it will all turn out for the best.
>I FEEL: like I need a shower.
>I HIDE: when I need to cry.
>I DRIVE: soon!
>I MISS: elementary school.
>I LEARNED: i'm never alone.
>I NEED: a shower.
>I THINK: therefore I am.
[+] have you... [+]
[+] been broken hearted: Yes
[+] broken someone's heart: I guess so.
[+] been cheated on: don't think so?
[+] been drunk: nope
[+] paid for drugs: prescription
[+] stolen: lol, maybe.
[+] fast five [+]
[+] what is your first name: Kyle
[+] what is your background: Irish and everything else.
[+] what is your bday: 12/02/83
[+] and your age: 21
[+] what are you thinking about: getting a shower