☓ Name: Ramen!
☓ Personal journal: policepenguin.at.livejournal.com
☓ Age: 23
☓ Other characters in The Devils See: absolutely none!
☓ Email: carolynpoddig@gmail.com
☓ AIM/MSN/Yahoo! Messenger: bubblegumofficer.at.aim
☓ Name: James Gannon
☓ Series: Hyenas [released 2010]
☓ Reference:
IMDB bffs forever? Yes I think so.
☓ Canon point: Post film. He has just blown up the hyenas in the cavern after being attacked and infected himself.
☓ Age: He's in his early forties.
☓ Personality:
☓ Abilities: Prior to being a were hyena, he was a normal American lawyer. He worked as a prosecutor so he had an extensive knowledge of criminal law. Overweight office type. Once his wife and child were killed, he joined up with the wise man and trained himself in hand-to-hand combat, using an M-4 and an M-16
As a were hyena he has superior strength and speed. He is very fast as both a hyena and a human. He can shapeshift into a half-man half-hyena and shapeshift fully into the critter itself. He has a poor sense of smell however, and can see in the dark. A few facts:
-he strength of their jaws is such that both striped and spotted hyenas have been recorded to kill dogs with a single bite to the neck without breaking the skin. The spotted hyena is renowned for its strong bite proportional to its size.
If you do the math, as a half-human and as a hyena, he has a bite that can go through steel.
He is intelligent (he was a lawyer), loyal, and funny. The weird thing about being a hyena is that you are twice as funny.
☓ Weaknesses: He considers himself a monster first and foremost. He will take himself out of situations where harm could be done to others or he would have to use his hyena instincts. He can only eat meat which he has to constantly struggle with. Were hyenas hunt humans, and that is the last thing that he wants to do. As this progresses, there is obviously a chance that he might become too much of a danger to others in which case he would join with whatever villains he could find on the island.
However, that's just a potential plot idea.
As a hyena his personality has changed. While the death of his wife had made him reserved and quiet, he is now struggling to maintain that veneer. He finds things hysterically funny and is starting to feel contempt for other human beings (the very same contempt exhibited by the were hyenas for him and his former cohorts) he will fight this to the bitter end for that particular woman. As a human he finds this funny as well, as he was always a big proponent of rights for women.
☓ Strengths: He is above all loyal. He has lost a lot in his life and somehow managed not to loose his faith in people. He finds the company of other humans pleasurable, and before everything went down he was actually a decent guy. He has a firm grounding in reality and what people are capable of. He's tested his limits and knows exactly what he can do for the group at large-a valuable asset when you're looking for someone to decisively say how they can aid a group.
He is funny. You may not think it's a strength but he can be extremely funny and will ALMOST ALWAYS crack a joke. He's become something of the group clown, and while he struggles with that he is trying to embrace his new role because he wants to make other people happy. This puts him in a bit of a conflict and he has to balance the desire to be funny with the contempt he is fighting for human beings-the race he is now excluded from.
☓ Intranet post sample:
☓ Log post sample: