Sep 12, 2006 15:42
This month, I have officially almost made as much money from art awards as from my paycheck. I don't know if that says more about the former or the latter.
Either way, it's pretty cool.
I had a parent ask me the other day, "Are there any kids you just don't like?"
(Picture me looking aghast here)
Of course, I'd never answer that question affirmatively in a million years...but there are some days that you just feel like you're patching the dikes, not building any grand edifices or even solid foundations, and yesterday was one of those days. Today was much better. The kids are just so wildly funny. CC's family had a kitchen fire yesterday, and she came in all ready to tell the tale, so when we were on the line (group circle), the head teacher asked her to tell the class about it, and then asked the kids if they had any questions. Hands went up all around:
Agnes: Yes, Zyn, you have a question for Cheryl?
Zyn: (hems and haws, then finally) Do you have a cat?
(Simultaneously Cheryl says yes and begins to talk about her cats, and Agnes responds that that isn't about the fire, does anyone have a question about the FIRE? More hands go up)
Lorne: Fire can HURT you.
Agnes: Yes, but that's not a question. Would you like to ask Cheryl if she was hurt?
Lorne: Yes.
(Long pause)
Agnes: Lorne, would you like to ask Cheryl a question?
Lorne: Yes.
(Another long pause)
Agnes: may ask Cheryl your question.
Lorne: Cheryl-were-you-hurt?
Cheryl: No. And my kitties were not hurt either. Cause I was at school.
Zyn: You have KITTIES?
And the room exploded into talking about kitties. These are kids with priorities. Also today:
Isabel is working happily on the Shaving Cream work (which involves getting to wear the designated apron, play with shaving cream (spiked with the food coloring of their choice) on a desk, and then clean it all off). Avery is sitting nearby, waiting for her turn. Dylan, the new kid, approaches.
Dylan: [to Isabel] What are you doing?
Isabel: [is happily absorbed.]
Avery: [leans over, says informatively] She's doing the SHAVING CREAM work.
Dylan: [Never looking at Avery, to Isabel] What--what is it?
Avery: it's SHAVING cream.
Dylan: Ohhhh. [to Isabel] Can I do it?
Isabel: [is happily absorbed.]
Avery: I'm next. But you can do it after me. You can watch me do it too!
Dylan: it's EVERYwhere.
Avery: don't worry, she'll clean it up when she's done. Then it'll be OUR turn! do you want to sit and wait with me?
[Exit a very uncomprehending Dylan. Avery watches him go longingly.]
Avery: [to Isabel, with the faintest touch of resigned envy] Is he your boyfriend?
Isabel: [looks up for the first time, holds her creamy hands up gleefully] .....AND, it's BLUE!