I am still sometimes trying to suck less as a blogger. I'm feeling chatty tonight for some random reason, so y'all get the benefit(?) of my chattermouth. Sorry
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You know, most chefs do not become "lean" until after they have mastered the recipes enough to start making substitutions. There is a good reason why the stereotypical chef is a great huge person. ;)
Scary thing? My scale this morning said I'm still going down. Even after all that pigout. I blame the fact that I'm working my *ass* off trying to cook all this stuff. Plus doing like three times as many dishes as I make, since too many other people in class are slackers.
You know, most chefs do not become "lean" until after they have mastered the recipes enough to start making substitutions. There is a good reason why the stereotypical chef is a great huge person. ;)
and brain chemistry is made of suck.
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