So, I understand the theory behind cutting back someone's hours. The economy sucks, everyone's losing business, everyone's hurting, and businesses can't afford to be overstaffed when there's little to no money coming in. I understand that the company would really like the money I bring in to exceed the money they're paying me.
What I don't understand is how they expect me to do that when they only allow me to be in the salon for a few hours two days a week. It's not like I'm lucky enough to have a following, I've only been a hairdresser for a year and anyone in the industry will tell you that it takes at least three years in order to build up a clientele. So while I'm trying to build up a clientele and you, as the company that I work for that wants me to bring in more money, should be trying to help me, you're only hurting me. Because since I'm only in the salon a few hours two days a week, not only do I miss all of the walk-ins that I used to be there to pick up who are all potential return clients, I am also missing the few regular clients I have. I can ask them to make appointments all I want, but it's not going to stop people who want their hair done today and right now -- even when they do call in first -- from coming in when I'm not there.
I was promised this would be temporary but that was back in the Spring and it's now October. There's supposedly "talk" of "possibly" opening the salon up another day for the holidays, but that won't be until November, if it happens at all, and none of that "talk" so far has included any mention of our personal hours.
I like working for a franchise instead of an independent salon, not least of which because I don't feel I'm talented or experienced enough to do so, but I'm honestly not sure anymore if I can stay here. Not when there is so much wrong with what's going on.
Not when I realize that a discounted theater ticket costs more than I take home in a two week pay period.
Not when most of that is going into the gas just to get me to and from work between checks.
Not when I find myself getting excited over you offering me extra hours in the form of a temp receptionist position in another salon.
I don't even know where I would go if I left, though. Yes, the entire beauty industry's hiring, but no one wants to hire the stylist with a year of experience and a clientele of two people. Not unless I want to swallow what little pride and confidence I've been able to build up in my skills and go give crappy $5 haircuts.
I am almost thirty fucking years old working ten hours a week for fucking minimum wage, over half of which gets pulled from my paycheck for health insurance I can't opt out of until the next quarter cycle, leaving me with the choice of either buying new pants so I don't look like a hobo at work, or buying gas so I can actually get there. The only reason I can even exist on something resembling a social level is because the state at least has a decent unemployment program.
And here I'd thought that I was done mooching.
I don't know what to do.