
Sep 08, 2011 00:25

I feel like I need to take a shower. And replace my washcloth with a fucking brillo pad.

Look, I know you take your chances taking anime recs from cons, but Tiger & Bunny worked out well (really well), so why not take a look at High School of the Dead?

I don't even know where to start. I know most of this is going to sound really freakin' funny coming from an Air Gear fan but, seriously, HSotD crossed a line that AG never did. At least AG has its humor to temper it and most of the non-Simca-related nudity isn't really dwelled on unless Kogarasumaru's around to perv all over it; for the most part, the aggressively fanservice-y stuff makes sense in the context of the pages surrounding it and it's there and gone and let's move on with the story. But THIS bullshi? It's like watching a fucking snuff film.

Okay. So there are zombies. They bite you, you turn into a zombie. They feed on human flesh. It's some pretty basic, boring, typical zombie film fare with the exception that the main characters are high school students. Okay fine.

The first problem? The violence. Now, I am the furthest thing from being squeamish. I'm the only person in my immediate family that was able to get through the first Saw movie and kept coming back every year for the sequels. My problem with the violence here? With the exception of the zombies, just about 90% of it is enacted on the female characters. Unless it's plot-related, the zombies only attack women. One of the main characters smacked the female lead I guess because he thought she was being hysterical? Except that she wasn't. She very reasonably demanded to know what the fuck he thought he was doing, barging into her classroom and trying to take her out of it, not bothering to even explain why until the other male character asked.

Oh and let's not forget the scene where two "BFFs" are frolicking along a hallway declaring how they're going to get out of this mess together because they're bff's and tralalalala~ Until one of them gets grabbed by a zombie and the other one kicks the "bitch" down the stairs so she can get away.

Which brings me to my second problem: The panty shots. Seriously, I'm honestly not sure which is worse: The fact that this girl was just another victim in the long line of women on this show, or that her final moments on camera were for a fucking pantyshot. In fact, it's hard to find a zombie-on-woman attack that isn't either a disgusting fucking excuse for a pantyshot or just flat out has the zombie (always a male, of course) straddling the victim. Even the few occasions where the girl doesn't get eaten, they still have to do a pantyshot. And make no mistakes, they want you to see those damn panties. She will swivel her hips just so while fighting off that zombie making her skirt fly up so they can cut to a closeup of her lacy-bow-panty-covered crotch.

And that's not all! Every sharp or jerky movement made by a female is only to make sure you know that bras apparently don't exist in the world of the show, as evidenced by all the closeups on wobbly, giant-nippled boobs every time the fucking things bounce.

Why the fuck is this popular again? Like I said, I feel like I just watched a fucking snuff film and need to go shower with brillo. And acid. Jesus H. Christ, I never thought I would see the day when another series would make Air Gear's fanservice look almost tasteful.

air gear, disgusting, fml, high school of the dead, pantyshots, fuck, hsotd, ag, snuff film, ugh, ogure, you people are sick, zombies

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