Back in 2002, the main Batman continuity set the Bat-family's world into a tailspin with the story arcs "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" and "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive." The titles are pretty self-explanatory: There is rock-solid evidence that suggests that Bruce Wayne killed his girlfriend of the time with his bodyguard as an accomplice. As the Bat-family investigates the case, some of them start to doubt that Bruce is innocent thanks to newly discovered evidence that they find that suggests that Bruce might have killed her to keep her from revealing her newly acquired knowledge that Bruce is Batman. And Bruce doesn't help things at all when, after breaking out of prison, he informs them that he's giving up the identity of Bruce Wayne and becoming Batman for good.
Of course eventually they find out that it was an elaborate scheme to discredit Bruce, they capture the guy that did it and clear Bruce's name and he realizes that the world needs Bruce Wayne just as much as it needs Batman.
The story-arc lasted for . . . I can't tell you how long, actually, but it spanned about 34 issues in all, including the crossovers with Nightwing, Batgirl, Birds of Prey, Robin, Azrael, etc etc.
Don't worry, I won't be posting that. |D
What I WILL be posting, however, is the BtAS comic's take on the storyline. Which took place nearly ten years before "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?", only involved Batman and Robin, and was tied up nicely in one issue without the emotionally crippling Bat-angst of the comic continuity. |D
That's my Dick. ♥ Calm, collected, "I know you didn't do it, there's not a question in my mind, and I know you're on a pretty thin edge after all this, but just ignore the ass and the douche for a minute and tell me what happened, we'll figure this out."
Good ol' DC~
HEY! HE WASN'T EVEN HOLDING A BAR OF SOAP! Some people are so impatient. 8|
Yes. That IS who you think it is.
*Snerk* Boy Hostage.
Poor Dick. |D "AWcrap, do you HAVE to do this while the guy's got a gun to my head? :T"