Apr 19, 2010 00:27

Happy Monday, people! I know, I know, Mondays are awful. BUT - we've got some results, some links, and some PRIZES to ease you back into the week.

People, you astound me. I know (many of you have loudly and firmly reminded me) that I did not make this contest easy. But the amount of work so many of you put into scouring the internet for these quotes was truly, truly exceptional. You're all winners in my eyes, and I wish I could give you all prizes. Oh wait - I can.

Captain Kirk claps for you!

sparrington4me and kayenem - you two tied for the big win with a total of 9.5 points EACH. That is simply astonishing. I know I said I would draw names out of a hat for the big prize, but I am so in awe of you that I have decided you each must have one. I will write a fic for each of you!

kayenem - just leave your prompt in the comments or PM me. sparrington4me - I have your prompt, but please do leave it in the comments because I’m sure everyone would like to see what you'll be getting!

skyblue_reverie and
- I want to reward you all, too. Please leave a prompt in the comments - you're each getting a ficlet! Eventually! (I think that’s everyone, if I’ve forgotten you, please please let me know!)

Before I link the answers I just want to take a moment to thank all of the authors whose stories I so shamelessly plundered for quotes. They are all wonderful, and I encourage each and every one of you who had fun with this contest to go leave them the comment!love they so richly deserve.

And now the moment you've all been waiting for - THE ANSWERS:

"Jim, a single life is worth more than any amount of ore."
Jim wasn't so sure Starfleet believed that, but he knew Bones did with all his heart, so he didn't try to contradict him.
All You Can Do Is What You Must
- thistlerose

"Following the linear conventions of conversation won't kill you, Jim," says McCoy, to avoid saying something more substantial.
Asymmetry - canis_takahari

Bones can do a handstand. It is one of the most awesome, most random things Jim has ever discovered about the doctor. They weren't even drunk (probably a good thing) when Bones showed him. Although, in fairness to Bones, Jim had goaded him.
Not That It’s Any of Your Damn Business - sororexitium and nenya24

Bones- my anchor in this mystery. Jim.
Modulation - thalialunacy

"I refuse to be the middleman," Spock said. "Please date Jim." A pause. "Before I kill him," he added and then turned to consider the coffee for a moment. "Also, what is your recommendation?"
Postal Service - soloproject

Jim very calmly did not throw his cereal bowl or his cream or the sugar, and he did not curl up under the table and sing himself the Soft Kitty song until he felt better.  He was twenty-six years old and had a ship to run, damnit.  Soft Kitty could wait.
Presbyopia - blcwriter

McCoy let go of Jim’s wrists and flipped him back over onto his back to undo his jeans. He pulled them off, then leaned across to grab a condom and some lube out of the bedside table drawer.
"How the fuck did you know that would be there?"
"I know the innermost workings of you mind."
"That's terrifying."
"Tell me about it. Now where were we?"
Establishing Rapport - therumjournals

Jim tilts his head. "So you're saying you miss me."  He clicks his tongue. "Well, jeez, Bones, you should have said something sooner. That's totally fixable. We'll just have date nights."
Three-Date Theory's Getting Old - breakthecitysky

"Okay, Bones, if you want to be stubborn, there's also the fact that for the last ten minutes you've been murmuring in my ear about how much you love me and want to take care of me and can't live without me and stuff." Jim sounded a little bit bemused, a little bit bewildered, and a little bit in awe.
Disappearing Act
- skyblue_reverie

Bones rolls his eyes again, looking more like himself: grumpy, with a chance of laughter. "But you're shorter, vainer, and so much prettier." "Ah, but you, my dear Bones, take it up the ass. I think that makes you the wife."
Jim Kirk's Rules of Engagement
- _beetle_

Well, that's all, folks. I would just like to send out one final THANK YOU to all of you that participated - I had a lot of fun doing this, and I hope you did too.

Thank you, and goodnight!

what have i done

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