Hopefully not a portent of things to come...

Sep 28, 2005 05:19

Well, it's come up faster than expected...the first all-nighter of the year. Really, this one took me by surprise...I guess I still amaze myself at how capable I am at putting off my work. Anyway, things are going well...almost done with page 6 of a 10 page paper with T-minus 7 hours left until it is due.

Additionally, hopefully this post will break my long, long streak of non-postingness. I've been a bad, bad livejournal boy, yes I have.

And now, some spontaneous poetry:

no, no, I've decided against that. The idea displeased me.

hmmm...what other way can I amuse myself before returning to work? I don't know, which must mean it is time for me to go. But first, so you can appreciate the joy I am capable of producing:

"Let us then apply this theory to the events depicted in the movie Sarafina! It is clear that the school children in the film are suffering from relative deprivation, specifically aspirational deprivation. This is defined as deprivation that occurs when value expectations increase and value capabilities stay the same. In Sarafina!, Whoopi Goldberg’s character awakens in the children the desire for a better life, free from the tyranny of the Boers. As Gurr says, the reference for value expectations can include “past condition, an abstract ideal, or the standards articulated by a leader. (25)” By teaching them about the proud history of their ancestors (past condition), she makes them profoundly unhappy with what they are able to do in the present, and she also describes to Sarafina the kind of world she would like to live in (new standards). Thus she raises what they expect to be able to achieve, while not actually increasing their ability to achieve it."

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