Doctor Who

Sep 02, 2008 08:37

Was musing that, from a producer's point of view, Doctor Who must be the perfect show. If a major cast member quits... they can easily be written out and new companions brought in. If the lead actor quits... well you kill him off and get make him regenerate into a new Doctor. And this is not only okay by the fans, it's expected! Additionally, you pretty much can't have continuity errors since its all about time travel anyway and any such occurrences can at the very least be simply explained away as paradoxes or the result of disturbance from the Time War.

I'm loving the series revival so far, it has the appropriate mix of epic, scary and silly. The Stephen Moffat episodes (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, and Silence in the Library - not seen Forest of the Dead yet) are absolutely amazing and I'll be very keen to see what happens next season when he takes over as head writer. I can quite honestly say that 'Blink' is one of the best pieces of television and/or film that I have ever seen.

Best single Doctor Who moment ever though is without question at the opening of "Fear Her" when the Tardis materializes.

Anyway, don't wish this to become a review, rather a short note of appreciation. I'm being very good and restrained and not looking up "Forest of the Dead" on YouTube even though I'm slowly dying of curiosity and anticipation. So far so good but then it is only Tuesday ><

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