(no subject)

Apr 29, 2008 02:08

1.Have you ever been to a wax museum? If so, which one?:

2.Do you know what a Luna Bar is?:
It's like a Powerbar kinda sorta thingamajig, isn't it?

3.Are you scared of heights?:
Fuck yeah.

4.Are you hungry right now?:
More thirsty than hungry. Gonna make a Crystal Light To Go packet in a minute. Mmm....

5.Have you ever been face to face with a rattlesnake?:
I live in Arizona. It's a rite of passage.

6.Did you work today?:
Yuppppppp.... open to 1!

7.Do you feel more awake or asleep right now?:
Asleep. For sure.

8.Have you ever been to a Six Flags theme park?:
A duh

9.Do you like the smell of cigarette smoke?:
Ew. No.

10.Do you like the smell of pot smoke?:

11.Do you own any real stuffed animals?
Yes! :D Dollies too!

12.Do you ever look in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself?:

13.Do you have a container full of spare change?:
nope. i hate change.

14.Do you have any out of the ordinary talents?:
I can mirror write!

15.Are you tired of the town you live in?:
Totally. Totally. Totally. Wanna be in Flagstaff, at least.

16.Do you wish it was Christmas time again?:
Yes please. Bring on the not-105-degrees-in-the-shade weather.

17.Has anyone close to you died recently?:
Is a year or so ago recent enough?

18.Would you rather be male or female?:
Female. Love being a girl.

19.Did you have a nanny when you were young?:
Not in the sense the question is asking, but I called my grandmother "Nanny"

20.Have you ever eaten squid?:
*gags* No.

21. How often do you cry?
About once a month or so. Damn period.

22. What makes you cry the easiest?
Frustration. Oh, and the last three episodes/first movie of Kisarazu Cat's Eye, every time Bussan nearly dies. ;-; And "Unmistakable"

23. What makes you really really happy?
C'mon, you all know this one.

24. Has anyone close to you ever died?
Uh huh

25. Question is off being gay with another question

26. How many funerals have you been to?

27. Have you ever cried over the death of a celebrity?

28. What would be the scariest way to die (in your opinion)?

29. What do you do in your spare time?
Browse the Internet when I should be doing other things.

30. What are some of your favorite restaurants?
The ones with food in them

31. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Wayyyyyyy too God damn early.

32. What is your natural sleeping pattern?
In bed at four, up at 1.


34. Were you in love?

35. What's your preferred method of birth control?

36. Have you ever had a one night stand?

37. How many rooms does your house have?

38. What would be your ideal living arrangement?
With a boyfriend

39. How many times have you moved in your life?

40. What city/state would you like to live in?
Oh I don't even know.

41. Have you ever lived on your own?
Not alone alone (not yet! Next month!) but not at home with Mommy and Daddy.

42. What do you do on weekends?

43. Do you enjoy alone time?
Depends on my mood.

44. If you were stranded at home for a weekend without a computer or a TV, what would you do to entertain yourself?
I still have my iPod and cell phone. :)

45. What is one thing you would love to learn?
How to make fanvids. Or draw. They're the only fannish things I can't do yet (fanvids and fanart).

46. What are you really good at?

47. If there were a book about your life, what would it be called?
Memoirs of a Fangirl.

48. What word or phrase best describes your sense of style?
BBW trendy casual.

49. What's your favorite article of clothing?

50. What fashion "season" are you?
Say what?

51. How long does it take you to get ready to go out on the weekend?
5-10 minutes

52. Sum up your life right now in 5-10 words:
Money, I don't have it. (Okay, I do. But can't spend it) - Ahhhh that's 12 words. Oh well.

1. Currently, what shirt are you wearing? Just a plain white T-Shirt. I'm boring.

2. Do you like the town that you live in? Hell nah.

3. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Only one thing? I could name a few...

4. Are you nice to people? I would hope so.

5. Do you have over 10 good friends? Hahaha no.

6. Who's your favorite neighbor? I don't know my neighbors.

7. Why is your favorite band your favorite band? Because they win at life, of course. Except when they don't, but I love them still.

8. Do you like country music at all? Nahhh

9. What's in your backyard? What backyard? I live in an apartment.

10. Do you laugh a lot? Sure.

11. Who's your number one on Myspace? My sister I think. Maybe. I dunno.

12. What are you hearing? Kosaka Riyu - Dober Man (will probably not match my current music on the entry, I'm sure)

13. Do you really care what people think of you? More than I should.

14. How are you feeling? Very sleepy still. *yawns*

15. What do you want to do? Go to bed again lol.

16. Who's the last person you commented? On MySpace? (I'm assuming this was stolen from MySpace) My sister probably. On LJ? Aww hell...

17. Why? These questions are toooooo harddddddd.

18. Would you ever wear your hat sideways? To be silly, yes.

19. What shoes are your favorite? My tennis shoes. ♥ them.

20. Currently, what are you thinking? I have so many fanfic plot bunnies in my head....

21. Any animals in the room you're in? They better not be. I'll hurt them so bad.

22. Are your nails painted? Nah, I don't waste the time. Can't have them painted at work.

23. Why did you last smile? Sometime today, I think.

24. Why are you so excited? Who said I was?

25. What's the next event you're looking forward to? IDK.

26. Any plans today? Seeing as it's 1:46 am on Tuesday... I'll go with Tuesday plans. Work.

27. Quick! Wish for something: Sex. :)

28. How did you wake up today? Alarm. As usual.

29. What's the time? Now 1:47 am.

30. Say something completely random: "Something completely random"

31. What is the last thing you watched? Is it bad that I don't remember?

32. Did you get anything new on Myspace today? I knew this was stolen from a MySpace bulletin. Haha.

33. What did you last eat? Technically, rice crispy treats, but dinner was chicken and gravy on toast.

34. What time do you leave for school? I school online. :P Booyah.

35. What time did you wake up today? 7:30, a.k.a. too fucking early.

36. Love a man and loose him or never love him at all? Never love him at all. Loving him and losing him SUCKS FUCKING ASS. Trust me.

37. Do/have you had any piercings, if so, what and which hurt the most? I have both my ears pierced once, but I was too young to remember.

37. Do you had any tattoos, if so, of what and which hurt the most? *cringes and hides* NEEDLES. BAD. BOO HISS.

38. Are you a fan of tattoos and piercings? On myself? Nah. On other people? Actually... nah here too.

39. What shoes are you going to wear today? My work shoes.

40. How was the survey? Mehh... coulda been better.

In other news, goals:
- justhitstatic's now late birthday fic. (The last BriNick I'm gonna write for a while. D:)
- My Aideo/Keth fic for ah_gayfiction's Mythical Beasts challenge. It's due Wednesday, so I so don't have time to beta it. Oh well.
- Catch up on Katekyo Hitman Reborn! I'm now 60 episodes behind. Whoa.
     - On that note, remember to put the spaces between the words of the title. LJ ≠ TV Tropes.
- Catch up on Ben 10/Ben 10: Alien Force. (Holy cow, did anyone else see the Ben 10: Alien Force secret in f!s today? I agree with the secret poster, Ben is fucking hot. Too bad he's jailbait.)
- Erika's super duper fanfic goal extraordinare!
- Umm... umm... yeah.

erika is: fangirl, fandom: ben 10, internet: meme, fandom-related: fanworks, fandom-related: slash, fandom: katekyo hitman reborn!

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