Meme of boredom-ness

Apr 07, 2008 00:23

Tagged by sarahk_xoxo

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names & why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (you're it!) and to read your blog for instructions. You can't tag a person who has tagged you. Since you can't re-tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can read the answers!

1. I have all these wonderful plans for my life that I never follow through on.
2. I go through phases where I'm positively obsessed with something, to the point I do everything involved with it, and it's all I do (right now I'm back into a Sims 2 phase.)
3. Similar thing with my iPod playlist. I tend to go for weeks starting my shuffle on the same song (right now it's "Dober Man" by Kosaka Riyu)
4. I can't get into a movie/TV show/book series if I can't slash two of the characters (male or female!)
5. Online school is the greatest thing to have ever happened to me.
6. I'm a firm believer of the "Ten year pop revival" theory, and we're hitting the return of the cycle. Too bad I'm too stuck on last decade's pop tarts.
7. The littlest things will upset me, and I'll stay upset for a long time. Like, panic attack-y, nauseous upset.
8. On that note, when I get a real panic attack, I get shaky, have hot and cold flashes, and are just miserable. (Last panic attack I had was when I dropped from a writing class in school - that I learned I didn't even need, so it was okay. Before that was when Richard and I had our falling out)
9. Fandom is the crack that keeps me alive. I love fanfic, fanart (though I can't create it to save my life), icons, fanmixes, fanvids (again, lack the ability to make them but love teh pretty), meta, all of it.
10. I think my online friends are my best friends ever, and if I could know all of you in real life, I'd do it in a heartbeat. ♥

Ahh... who to tag, who to tag...

real life: school, general: boring, internet: meme, erika is: pathetic, fandom: the sims 2, real life: richard

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