Wow what an interesting couple of days

Mar 26, 2008 23:28

I'll start with yesterday. Work... oh holy shit work. I'm learning slowly that I work with people who have God complexes to the max. We have a rule at work where the only people allowed on the registers are the person assigned to that register and the managers. Well... I'm a manager (shift leader, technically, but same difference in the end). The girl who was on the front register was off doing something and there was a customer. I took his order and went to take his money and was stopped by one of my supervisors that proceeded to tell me the "register rule." Um, the fuck? I am a manager, and I said that. She comes back with, "Well when one of us (the assistant managers) is on the floor, you can't do that." Excuse me? I understand we've been having issues with money coming up missing and drawers being extremely short (in the range of $30-$60 short), but that hasn't been happening on mine, nor the drawer of anyone on during one of my shifts. I am not the problem. I can be trusted. Thank you.

Later that day, closing manager comes in (10 minutes late, mind you) and proceeds to give me this list of bitch work that needed to be done before I could leave (I was off at 4 damn it, when he clocked in). Nevermind that he's barking these pissant orders at me as I'm on the phone with the owner of the place, trying to find the toner ribbon for the one receipt printer we've got that works, so we can have receipts. I got out of there at 20 to 5. I was pissed, and I lost it. I bitched about how I'm completely disrespected by everyone (I am!) and the answer I get? "Well if you did any fucking work, you'd get respected." WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? I do just as much work and more as that guy. I could open and close the store, fucktard, paperwork and all. I HAVE done both those things, thankyouverymuch. Only things I can't do are turn off the security alarm and unlock the safe. (The mornings I've done opening paperwork, someone else has been there to turn off the alarm and unlock the safe.) Needless to say, I'm on my last leg at that place.

Today was a little better. Work was okay. Got off and saw a missed call from my sister. She's not one to call and bullshit. I called her back and got this story:

The water main in the apartment above us exploded. It leaked through the insulation and leaked into our apartment, mostly in her room. Her bed is destroyed, her bedding is destroyed, anything on her floors is destroyed (except the clothes since they can be washed), it leaked through to the kitchen, the hallway, her bathroom, my bathroom. Only room that didn't get hit, save for a little piece of floor by the door, was my bedroom. However, we were advised to not run the air conditioner. In Tucson? In March? What the fucking fuck?

And they're saying, "Oh yeah the place is livable." Like hell it is. It's like 95 degrees in that apartment. It was cooler outside. You can't run any electronics for the fear of electric shock. So the TV, cable box, the game consoles, my sister's desktop, our modem and router? Safe for now, but unplugged.

She's at her boyfriend's with her cats (because if we can't stay in that place for more than 5 minutes without our hair matting to our foreheads because it's so humid from the lack of air conditioning/all the fucking water in the place, it'd be cruelty to animals to even think the cats can stay there.), and I'm at my aunt's. It's nearly hazardous to be staying in that place.

Oh, and I might be getting a new computer. You see, Best Buy has a "three strikes and your out policy" on their warrantied electronics, and I have a two-year extended warranty on this thing. It ends in January of 2009. Anyway, the policy is if you have to bring the electronic in for three hardware malfunctions (that aren't a result of abuse or user error of course), on the third time they don't send the computer in. They just take it from you and you walk out of the store with a replacement. Well, let's see. My power cord kinked and my motherboard blew up. Strike one. My monitor started going out, displaying 1 pixel dead lines. Strike two. Now my power connector is finicky. It boots when it wants and doesn't charge my battery. Looks like strike three. My stepdad's going with me, to try to get them to let me not pick another Compaq. He wants me to get a Toshiba, because he has one and it runs with no issues. If I could walk out with this one, I would shit myself. I really love this part: "2GB PC2-5300 DDR2 SDRAM memory for multitasking power, expandable to 4GB; 800MHz frontside bus, 3MB L2 cache and 2.1GHz processor speed." HOLY FAST SIMS BATMAN. ON A LAPTOP. :O Oh and, "320GB Serial ATA hard drive capacity (2 x 160GB; 5400 rpm)" is nice too. OMG.

Oh and the best news of the evening: I'M GETTING A CAR. FOR FREE. BOOYA BITCHES.

My aunt's best friend is moving out here in a few months. Well, while she's still in California she's been living at her sister's while it's selling (her sister and brother-in-law moved to South Carolina). They also gave her one of their cars, to not have to ship two of them to SC.

Well she already had a car, and doesn't need two. She's giving me her old one. For nothing. Just because. OMG. It's an Oldsmobile Achieva, so it'll kinda look like

It's probably not that color, and I don't know if it's two doors or four, but I don't care either way. It's a car. For free. I'm not gonna complain.

I think I've rambled on for long enough. :D

real life: family, general: wtf?, general: breakdown, fandom: the sims 2, real life: car, general: rant, real life: apartment, general: glee, technology: computers, general: unexpected, real life: work

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