So what does it mean?

Aug 15, 2007 20:24

Yeah well there was this guy I liked a lot. We were good friends, but we were scared to take it any further and ruin the friendship.

I fell in love. I mean, he was nice, sweet, funny, even kinda cute. He was, to me, perfect (taken, of course, very subjectively). That was mistake number one.

Mistake number two was that I told him. He, at first, let me off easy. "I'm flattered Erika, really. But I'm not ready for a relationship right now with anyone, and you now make three girls after me."

But this is where he made a mistake. "But if I ever did to get to the point I would want a girlfriend, I'd pick you." (Squee x 1000 from me!)

We continue being friends, except with my giant fucking crush looming over our heads, and I think I got clingy.

He decided to pray a prank on me, having one of his other friends pose as his girlfriend when I called. Cue heartbreak.

I avoided his phone calls, texts, emails, MySpace messages, IMs. Everything. I thought I got over him.

The "I'm over him. I'm not over him. I don't know!" has been going on for four months. It had been almost a year since I'd admitted my feelings (the one year mark was two months ago).

Randomly, at work (of all places), I had another daydream. Another... me and him daydream, wherein he comes back and confesses his feelings for me, and we start over. Not uncommon, I shrugged it off. But after work, I talked to my sister and she made this interesting comment, "I had this dream last night, and in it, you and Richard were talking again."

So, um, if both my sister and I are thinking that I've made amends with this boy, what in the hell does it mean?

general: rant, erika is: pathetic, general: breakdown, real life: richard

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