It's that time again

Oct 14, 2012 01:51

It's the time where my life is NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo is my life.

This year I'm delving into a genre I know little about: chick lit. My novel is titled The Geeky Girl's Guide to Having an Awesome Wedding and it's pretty much what it says on the tin. (Fun fact: This is the first year my novel's title has been more than two words.) It has decided to be part two of a trilogy, though whether or not the other two books get written has yet to be determined. (Hell, it took me eight years to write anything in my Alerian Chronicles verse, and I haven't actually written The Alerian Chronicles) So, we'll see.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

writing: geeky girl's guides, technology: the droid

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