A long overdue update

Dec 18, 2011 15:46

Okie dokie first of all, how did it get to be a week until Christmas? Where did this year go? I still need to do my shopping (I have to wait until I get paid next week.) I'm also slacking on all of the fics, but I'll get those done too, I always do.

Been working like a dog. Pulled two damn near 40 hour weeks, but it will make for a suhweet check on Friday. We've been short staffed, hence the extra hours. We also have this new girl, while I'm on the subject of work, who won't last much longer. She's rude, she's cocky, and she doesn't listen. Yeah.

I've been someone's girlfriend for eleven and a half months! Tommy and I are still going strong and it blows my mind. We've been long distance since July (him in Denver, me in Tucson), but it doesn't seem like it's deterred us in anyway (in fact I have plans, like definite plans, to move up there next summer. With a house and a dog and a cat and him and me. OMFG.) This is like, a dream I don't want to wake up from. We've thrown out the big m-word, and I just. I don't know. I can't with how amazing he is. I've been counting down the days cause he'll be down for Christmas, and by then it'll have been damn near six months since we last saw each other. Excited doesn't begin to cover how I feel.

*looks over tags to check what she planned to discuss* Oh, right! I've gotten the ball rolling to get back into school (about time, I say). First step is paying off my loans from the first time I went back, then I can reapply and get grants. Yay grants! Also, when I go back, it'll be straight into the bachelor's program, cause my AA concentration isn't offered anymore. Oh well, what can you do?

And lastly, I won my first NaNoWriMo with a week to spare! So excited still. Mind blown. Am I doing it next year? Fuck yeah.

So yeah, that's all with me. I will remember to keep updated.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

real life: school, real life: tommy, general: boring, writing: thirty days, technology: the droid, holiday: christmas, real life: men and dating, real life: future, real life: work

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