And I'll bite too, I guess.

Apr 25, 2011 23:36

I'll do that "Post one line from all your WIPs" meme. Be warned though, I'm considering a fic a "WIP" if it's not finished/I haven't posted it. No matter how old it is.

"Nick's heart jumped into his throat. What the hell is wrong with me? he thought, Brian is my best friend. Nothing more. And I'm in love with Nicole. She's my girlfriend.  He licked his lips and laid on his own bed, his eyes glancing over at Brian every few minutes or so."
- A Flash of Light and a Forbidden Kiss, my fell-by-the-wayside bittybang fic. (Pop Music RPF/Popslash: Nick Carter/Nicole Scherzinger, Nicole Scherzinger/Ashley Roberts, Nick Carter/Brian Littrell)

"Brian stared at Nick. "Yeah, I've said I have a thing for AJ. But anyone with an attraction to men and a pulse probably has a thing for AJ. That doesn't mean I want a relationship with him. I have you.""
- Room in the Heart. (Popslash: Nick Carter/Brian Littrell, eventual Nick Carter/Brian Littrell/AJ McLean)

"Jiyong shook his head. "Nah, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna stay here. I'm sure Ri's gonna need something when he wakes up, you know?""
- Untitled Hurt/Comfort Bingo fic. (YG Entertainment RPF: Kwon Jiyong (G-Dragon)/Lee Seunghyun (Seungri))

"Nick should have logged off right then and there, but he was oddly intrigued. He instead kept "fighting" with the other man over this."
- Untitled Kink Bingo fic. (Popslash: Nick Carter/Brian Littrell)

"At first, Kevin kept making excuses: he was too tired, he wasn't in the mood, it was too soon in the relationship. He knew that he would have to eventually spill and hope for the best, but it wasn't something he was ready for. He also knew that if Nick really loved him, they'd find a way around it. But the fear that Nick would be less than willing to make this work kept Kevin from saying anything."
- A Different Kind of Love. (Popslash: Nick Carter/Kevin Richardson. a.k.a. "The Kevin-is-an-asexual fic")

"Except they really weren't. Kayleigh wasn't a young child, like the other residents of the condo complex the Sherwoods had moved into expected. Oh no, she was 15 years old, almost the same age her parents were when they had her. This had already led to one awkward, "No, my little sister doesn't live with me, Kayleigh is my daughter," assurance from Anissa."
- Choices. Originally meant to be illustrated with Sims screencaps, but IDK anymore.

"Aideo had to chuckle. Aeiouna's two favorite things - technology and history - all rolled up into one, and she got so excited over it. It was one of the things he loved about her, and he felt bad that he keeps screwing things up with her. "Maybe in a little bit.""
- Unexpected Gift. National Novel Writing Month 2008.

""Sick of each other?" Brian looked at Aidan. "Hardly. I miss these big goons so much when we're not working together.""
- Boys Sensation, National Novel Writing Month 2009.

"I wish this was like the movies, you know? You have the fearless, pissed off commander and his rag tag group of soldiers, and then comes the MONTAGE! And then there's an epic song and training sequence, where over the course of the song (which is no more than, like, four minutes. Tops.) they get progressively better, and by the end of it they're this awesome army ready for battle."
- Midways Connections, National Novel Writing Month 2010.

"Matilda manages to make a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and fruit pastries. She plates it up and sets two plates on the table, one for Edwin and one for herself. She then starts on cleaning up the cooking dishes just as Edwin comes down the stairs from the bedroom. He smiles."
- The Women Of Blackmore, Script Frenzy 2011.

writing: rowverse, writing: alerian chronicles, writing: choices, fandom: big bang, fandom-related: fanworks, fandom-related: slash, fandom: backstreet boys, writing: boys sensation, writing: midwayerverse

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