Disclaimer: The title of this entry refers to the fact that individual Tweets are short. It has nothing to do with the number of Tweets that end up getting shipped to my journal, since sometimes, I tweet A LOT! ;)
- 22:38 [The Lady is a Dork] Short, Sweet, and to the Point: Disclaimer: The title of this entry ref.. poprl.com/Q3i #
- 22:53 Photo: FUCK YEAH FINLAND! tumblr.com/xg11f8ir0 #
- 00:19 I'm tempted to unfollow everyone who doesn't follow me. #
- 00:19 But that would mean unfollowing @backstreetboys and many product accounts. #
- 00:25 Some of which use Twitter as their ONLY form of support. #
- 00:28 So, Twitter uses Tumblr for their status blog. #
- 00:28 You'd think, of all accounts, they'd use Tumblr's Tumblr-to-Twitter feature, opposed to Twitter feed. *shrugs* #
- 00:37 Photo: “Insert baby for refund” tumblr.com/xg11f8w9i #
- 02:51 Speed is comparable to dialup cause I'm so far from office (where router is), but I DON'T CARE! TWO WEEKS SINCE I COULD 'NET FROM HOME! #
- 02:53 Let's see how long it goes before it kicks me, if it does at all. #
- 02:56 In other news... second LJ friend that has broken up with her s/o that I didn't see coming a mile away. Does true love even exist anymore? #
- 07:00 The forecast for Fri, 13 Mar 2009 is Mostly Sunny. High: 72 F Low: 46 F. #
- 16:47 Mom extends an invitation to me to do something with her. Can't turn it down. With our (mostly my) schedules spending time together is hard. #
- 21:35 Fuck yeah Play-Doh, BTW #
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