Short, Sweet, and to the Point

Mar 12, 2009 22:06

Disclaimer: The title of this entry refers to the fact that individual Tweets are short. It has nothing to do with the number of Tweets that end up getting shipped to my journal, since sometimes, I tweet A LOT! ;)

  • 22:10 Link: II'm tempted to send a text to Twitter, #
  • 22:12 [The Lady is a Dork] Short, Sweet, and to the Point: Disclaimer: The title of this entry ref.. #
  • 22:37 Today has been the epitome of "everything that can go wrong, will." #
  • 23:15 Damn DST. Internet is DEAD tonight. Ugh. #
  • 23:52 #
  • 23:57 Photo: *snickers* (via fuckyeahneilpatrickharris) #
  • 00:03 I get great joy in probably being the first person to wish my sister a happy birthday, since I sent the text at midnight on the dot. #
  • 00:05 If I'm not first, I was definitely second. (Only her boyfriend could have beaten me, since she's probably with him right now.) #
  • 01:24 Ya know, I really hate when my IM client fails to tell me a friend signed on, but tells me when they signed off. *kicks it* #
  • 07:00 The forecast for Thu, 12 Mar 2009 is Partly Cloudy. High: 74 F Low: 45 F. #
  • 10:56 Marinades, rubs, sauces, scented oils... They sold food products, really! #
  • 21:10 They have to now send a tech out to turn my Internet back on. I'm ready to say "fuck 'em" and go to Cricket. USB modem FTW #
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