Disclaimer: The title of this entry refers to the fact that individual Tweets are short. It has nothing to do with the number of Tweets that end up getting shipped to my journal, since sometimes, I tweet A LOT! ;)
- 22:09 [The Lady is a Dork] Short, Sweet, and to the Point: Disclaimer: The title of this entry ref.. poprl.com/NO8 #
- 22:24 So done with work. Can I go home? #
- 22:32 twitpic.com/1xdhc - Cool, huh? #
- 22:45 Oh my God! I am such a space case tonight! #
- 23:01 Well, my laptop WAS charging. #
- 23:04 OMG! Got it charging again! #
- 23:05 Must... not... move... laptop. #
- 23:50 Caramelldansen makes me happy. =^.^= #
- 23:55 I Can Send 'Em Here Too! - 22:07 OH. MY. GOD. PIECES OF FLAIR IS ON MYSPACE NOW! A REASON TO GO THERE! #... tumblr.com/xg11ebxko #
- 00:06 LAPTOP BATTERY IS AT 92% *throws confetti* #
- 01:23 A-RA-SHI!!! #
- 01:24 I'm usually bugged by JE groups. (Give me Vision Factory any day! wFL!)... Arashi is my ONE exception. SHOOOOOOOO! #
- 01:25 I'd have Sho Sakurai's babies. Hell yeah! #
- 02:25 *rubs in other Americans' faces* I GET 2AM! :P #
- 07:00 The forecast for Sun, 8 Mar 2009 is Mostly Cloudy. High: 74 F Low: 52 F. #
- 21:45 Found a religion fanatic on blip.fm just now... is it bad that I'm looking through their playlist for Brian songs? #
- 21:51 No luck. I'm on page 10 of 33... yeah no thanks. #
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