OMG OKAY. (This is, yes, mostly Backstreet stuff)

Jan 13, 2009 22:20

Soooooooo... first off... BACKSTREET'S GOING BACK TO MEXICO. If my calculations are correct... POTENTIAL COMING BACK TO AZ IN APRIL-ISH. ZOMG. Not getting my hopes up, but still!

Also. ANOTHER BACKSTREET BABY!! This time? Howie and Leigh! Yay for them!

And then, OMG the studio stream. AHHHHHH!

- I had to smack down's Twitterfeed today, cause at first they said only Nick was streaming. They corrected themselves.
- AJ was sick. :( :( They think he has food poisoning.
- Howie CAN'T TYPE TO SAVE HIS LIFE (he spent the entire first stream in the chat room with us, and was all :D that when we saw him on the feed the room turned into a chorus of "CONGRATS HOWIE!"). How cute is he?
- Nick is both amused and bewildered that a whole fuckton of us wanna marry him. lol. "Why would you guys wanna marry me?" Oh, Nickolas. There's so much you don't know. But I love you anyway, and always will. OMG.
- Brian is a total goofball. And dances like a fool. And shakes his ass for the camera. And sends us into convulsions. AND KISSES THE CAMERA. GAHHHHHHH. ♥
- Also in Brian related stuffs, he gave us an update on Baylee (all is good and Baylee's doing great! Yay!), thanked us once again for our support/love/prayers, and said how Leighanne and Baylee were flying out tomorrow to be with him. HOW UTTERLY FUCKING ADORABLE OMG. ♥
- Both Nick and Brian love to get millimeters away from the camera and send the chat into "OMG!!! EEEEEEEE!!!" in a rainbow of colors as 200 people say it AT ONCE.
- As well as being the same weight he was 10 years ago, Nick has gone back to wearing the same underwear he did 10 years ago. HOW DO I KNOW THIS?! He fucking SHOWED US. Ass to camera and pants went down partly. *dies multiple times*
- Half the stream was muted because we CAN'T HEAR THE NEW SONGS YET. D: No fair. *pout, kick stuff*
- I MISSED sicky sleeping AJ at the end because my computer chose that exact moment to DISABLE MY SOUNDS AND LOCK UP. So I had to restart.

I think that's it. Did I miss anything? No, don't think so.

In other news... artoffbeat. I am a loser and am going to try to become a frankensimmer fanartist. Okay, I'm becoming a frankensimmer. SUE ME, OKAY. It's because I wanna do yuletart and in order to do that I have to become a frankensimmer. I'M SORRY SIMMING FRIENDS, BUT IT'S SOMETHING I WANNA DO. BADLY.

Speaking of comms, I think I've come up with a theme for all mine, and let's see if you can figure it out/help me with the ones I have no idea yet what to do.

_stolenwords_ ---> bookonlove
eyesclosed_ ---> ???
earsopen ---> vibeandmix
vidoverload ---> cameramadeus
artoffbeat ---> drawonmy (my initial idea, drawonmyheart, was taken by an unused journal. YAY IMPROVISITION!)

Oh, and in real life related news... had a student group come into work today. THAT was fun... not. Also! It's refreshing to be crushing on a guy who is into typical guy related stuff. Like sports. And music that's not showtunes.

HOLY TAG ABUSE BATMAN. I've got a metric fuckton (I LIKE THE WORD FUCKTON) of them on this entry.

And now, off to the shower before aphroditeangel gets home and we RP Brian and Nick fucking like rabbits, because slashy RP is how I roll.

backstreet: nick, fandom-related: fanworks, music: concerts, erika is: fangirl, real life: men and dating, backstreet: howie, backstreet: kids: baylee, livejournal: communities, otp: brian/nick, erika is: pathetic, backstreet: aj, fandom-related: slash, fandom: backstreet boys, backstreet: brian, general: glee, real life: work

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