
Nov 26, 2008 18:11

Lots to update about. Well kinda.

Fever broke overnight. Thank God. Don't want to be sick tomorrow. It was probably menstrual hot flashes then, like I predicted. Which reminds me, who's funny idea was it to make my period a royal bitch this month? PMS was through the roof, flow is super heavy, and I'm just so fucking blah. I hate being a girl sometimes (apologies to any guys on my f-list.).

Got to work today and found out one of my managers (the one that basically hired me) was transferred. I was kinda down about that all day. It all happened yesterday (while I was off!) so I didn't get to say, "See you around, I'll miss you." Yeah. Got teased for being upset about that. "He's not dead!" *rolls eyes*

All US people, what are your Thanksgiving plans? I'm heading to my mom's for food coma. lol.

HAHAHAHA I CAN HAS "CAN'T GET BACK" SINGLE. Life is good right now. Listening to my other boys.

Oh and before I forget! It's future heartbreaker Baylee Littrell's sixth birthday today! Happy birthday buddy, and don't cause your mom and dad too much trouble. Your dad's already losing enough hair!

Wow makes me feel old. In ten years he'll be 16. I was 16 the year he was born!


general: birthday, erika is: fangirl, fandom: backstreet boys, fandom: w-inds., backstreet: kids: baylee, real life: work

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