Better late than never?

Nov 16, 2008 20:07

I've been putting this off, and putting this off... because honestly? The collection post is daunting. OMG. But I finally gave in and here I am.

First off, thank you so much for writing a story just for me! (Though I'll share, I don't mind.)

What I Like
kid!fic (as in, the characters have kids, not the character are kids - toddler age is perfect), crushes/beginning of relationship (the concept of the feelings coming to fruition and both parties going, "WTF is going on? Why am I acting this way around him?" is one of my favorite fandom tropes), smut is always good, flirting, I'm on an AU kick this year, but you don't have to write one if you don't want to. I'm good with canon fics too.

What I Don't Like
Incest, bestiality and molestation are my only two sexual squicks, fandom has desensitized me to everything else. Character bashing. Yes, I'm a slasher but that doesn't mean I hate the female characters (or, if I do, it's for reasons unrelated to "I ship her love interest with his best male friend and she gets in the way of the buttsex"). On that note, I also hate when writers completely disregard canon pairings. As much as I don't want them to, they exist. If you're gonna break them up, let us know how it happened. Please.

Alright, onto specifics!

Requested Fandom #1: Reaper, Sam/Sock/Ben
Would prefer a Sam/Sock trist, but if you wanted to do a Sam/Sock/Ben OT3, I'm good with that as well. Umm. hmm. *thinks* Oh! kid!fic? That's be awesome.

I would love love love if you wrote something involving Ben playing cupid for Sam and Sock. (Did I fail to mention that's another of my favorite fandom tropes? Well it is lol.) While I don't normally do OT3's (too many limbs, and I don't know who is touching who where and when), if you wanted to write the three of them together, that's alright too. Their relationship (together, and separately - pairing them off) is the epitome of friendship and it's exactly what I look for when I look for that kind of dynamic, so I have to request more fanfic for it!

Requested Fandom #2: w-inds. RPF, Keita/Ryohei/Ryuichi
Keita/Ryohei would be ideal, but the OT3 is always good as well. AU, involving soccer perhaps? Locker room loving?

That's pretty much, in a nutshell, what I would love to see, but let me elaborate. If you don't know (or even if you do), both Keita and Ryohei are huge soccer fans (which is yay for me since they're my OTP for this fandom), and a fic seeing them connect through it would be love. Even if it isn't AU (like, them playing soccer backstage before a show, or on a day off or something) including soccer would be amazing and love. Oh, and Ryuichi can come too. *nods*

Requested Fandom #3, Ben 10 Universe, Ben/Kevin
Future!fic. I like my characters adult. Keep them in character. It's possible to write Kevin/Ben without turning Kevin (or Ben) in to a woobie. Not as easy to do in fic as it is in art, but no turning Kevin into a cliche anime boy. He's built. He's got muscle. ;) Fluff is good, as it smut. I'm easy to please. Top!Ben? Could you do it?

Wow. I got detailed there. I don't think there's anymore to say there. lol.

Requested Fandom #4, Kisarazu Cat's Eye, Bussan (Kohei)/Bambi (Futoshi)
Fic for this fandom is so few and far between, that honestly. I don't care what I get. I'll take anything with these two. Friendship fic, couple fic. I don't care.

I meant when I said fic for this fandom is few and far between. But I'll get specific just for you. AU, please please! Particularly something where Bussan isn't dead, maybe not even sick, cause if you try to write canon, well you're pretty limited to the canon timeline, and that's no fun. Including baseball is almost required, because of the canon. Umm... yeah. Writer, you probably don't even know the canon (and I can guarantee you were matched to me on one of my other fandoms anyway), so I guess I should give you a little bit of a rundown: DramaWiki entry (which is better than Wikipedia) and my pitch (pun totally intended) of it is here.

fandom: ben 10, fandom: kisarazu cat's eye, fandom-related: fanworks, otp: bussan/bambi, otp: ben/kevin, fandom-related: slash, fandom: reaper, erika is: fangirl, holiday: christmas, fandom: w-inds., otp: sam/sock, otp: keita/ryohei

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