Obligatory "Erika's family fucking rocks!" post... and other stuff.

Sep 30, 2008 20:07

My mom just left my apartment after coming over with food rations for me. Again. Cause, you see, Arizona Unemployment still has its proverbial head so far up its proverbial ass that it has no idea what's going on in the real world.

I called them a week ago Friday to figure out what the fuck is up with my case, that I filed in July guy, Ju-fucking-ly! We're going into October! Anyway... called a week ago Friday, got some bullshit story from some bint who had no idea what the fuck she was talking about, who told me that my debit card (with two weeks worth of back pay, plus the claim I filed the following Sunday) would be in in about a week.

I gave them 7 business days, because of the whole weekend thing.

Fast forward to today, which is 7 business days. No card yet. They're getting a phone call tomorrow, whether or not the card comes. (Because mail comes here at 4pm, I have to call them by 3.) My rent's due tomorrow, and I can't pay them because I can't access my unemployment money. I can't buy food, I can't pay back the bank so they'll stop calling me everyday (I've already informed them that the money's coming, but the phone calls are automated).

I'm at my wit's end. My life has been a shithole since I lost my job, and it looks like finding one is gonna get a lot harder before it gets easier. Life sucks.

OKAY SO OMG. I MENTIONED THIS ON TWITTER BUT MOAR BSB DATES LIEK WHOA. I'm so super excited and hopeful for an Arizona date that you have no fucking idea. It needs to happen. Good needs to happen to me. Fuck, enough bad shit has happened. Cross fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes for me please. I need to see these four men in concert once this tour so bad. So so so bad. I'm not even asking to see them more than once, and honestly... if I had been able to go to Seattle and see them at Marymoor Park, I wouldn't care. But I didn't, so I do.

Slept all afternoon. Time of the month is kicking my ass this time. BUT MY MOTHER BROUGHT ME MOTHERFUCKING CHOCOLATE. FUCK YES. :D

Okay this part of the entry has been a few days coming:

I recently got back into Gaia Online. Since I didn't touch my account for a year or so, everything was as I left it. I checked back on all my old posts. You see, there's this thread where you can post secrets. Cool, right? Anyway, when I first started the account (it's a secondary because my first got banned in a hacking spree), I spent all my time on that thread, posting secret after secret.

The hitch? It was all about Richard back then. I was completely pathetic. Secrets about wanting his baby and thinking of him sexually and everything.

I miss it, but I don't. What I miss, I guess, is being in love.

And I miss the fact that at the end of the day, he was there for me. He was really everything a boyfriend should be, except we never made it official. He waited for me at the bus drop off at the college every morning and we'd have breakfast then walk to his first class together. We'd skip class to go spend the afternoon at the mall. If I needed someone to talk to, he was a phone call away.

He'd come get me if I needed it and buy me dinner, or just take me driving with him because I needed to get out. We'd be out until past midnight, then he'd stay at my apartment for a few more hours listening to music, or watching a movie, or playing with my roomie's cat.

While I don't miss Richard, I miss the relationship we had. I miss being that close to someone.

I got a ad in the mail for Party City's Halloween costume stock today. Their infant costumes are sooooo cute! Sends me back into baby lust. THEY HAVE A TOOTSIE ROLL BUNTING COSTUME. How cute is that? Your baby can be a little Tootsie Roll for Halloween! And they have lambs and kitties and bunnies and princesses and ballerinas for older girls and OMG DO WANT.

I'm gonna be a fanvidder! \o/ Go me. Well... I hope. I have to learn to get it right, of course.

Okay I'm done. I have a fluffy Brian/Nick on the beach fic to write. Ciao.

otp: brian/nick, real life: family, fandom-related: fanworks, holiday: halloween, real life: richard, fandom-related: slash, real life: girl stuff, erika is: fangirl, real life: men and dating, fandom: backstreet boys, general: rant, real life: future, backstreet: as quartet, real life: work

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