That is what I barf out when I try drawing in the physical realm. What a mess!
But anyway, I drew that because I wanted to talk about video games! A few of them, anyhow. The following is a list of games I've played recently. I don't plan on going in depth, but I just like making lists right now. Plus, I'm pulling an all-nighter at work and I'm bored and kind of delirious? On with the show!
Resident Evil 5 XBox 360 - This is actually the first RE game I've played through to completion (gasp) although I did watch a friend play through 4. So I read some people saying it wasn't scary enough or blah blah blah. But you know what are always scary? Zombies. I don't care if they're jumping through windows of mansions when I'm walking down the hallway or if I can see them coming at me from a mile away. Those mothas freak me out! Also, people made out of slugs and enormous alligators. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and would like to play it again someday. Oh yeah, and it looks incredible!
Beautiful Katamari XBox 360 - It's a Katamari game. I don't have an HD television so it may as well have been on the PS2, but it was still fun because Katamari is always fun.
Fable II XBox 360 - I am kind of totally bummed that I shelled out $60 for this game. I'm not really sure what I didn't like about it, but it just did not grab me at all. The story was really boring and I couldn't force myself to care about what was going on. There was obviously tons of stuff to do in the game, but I didn't care about doing any of it. It was just kind of... blah. I mean, I didn't hate it by any stretch, but towards the last bit of it all I wanted to do was finish it so I could play something else. I think I actually yawned when the bad guy told me he killed my wife.
LittleBigPlanet PS3 - Hooray! This game is fun. I actually haven't spent a whole lot of time creating things like I thought I would, but I have really enjoyed going through every few days and playing the new batches of user-created levels. Some of them are really amazing! And playing dress-up with your sack person is really more fun than it should be.
Braid XBox 360 - I actually haven't spent much more than about an hour with this game, but it seems pretty neat. I like the painted backgrounds and solving puzzles has been pretty fun so far. I usually get pretty frustrated if I have to spend more than a few minutes on any one, though I haven't really gotten far enough yet to where they're tripping me up. The story seems superfluous and I'm glad you can skip over it because it is booooooooring. Not interested in your girl-troubles, Braid Man! Being able to rewind time is fun, and I like that the music goes in reverse when you do it.
Prince of Persia XBox 360 - Firstly, yes, this game is beautiful. Running along walls is always a good time. I'm glad you don't die when you fall off of cliffs because I did that about 5 billion times. It's weird, though, that the best parts (to me) were the quiet parts where you're running around collecting light seeds. This game is repetitive as crap and there is waaaay too much backtracking. Holy crap the voice acting is ridiculous and the fighting is awful! After the first, like, one fight, I hated fighting. It is phenomenally repetitive and obnoxious. You spend about 90% of your time blocking long barrages, 9% of your time having your hits blocked, and the last 1% is spent either landing a hit or being knocked to the ground. Super-annoying. And then the ending made me want my money and several hours of my life back. For the same company that made Assassin's Creed, I was expecting a little more awesome.
FlOwer PS3 - This is the most relaxing game I've ever played. You control the wind, and you blow flower petals around and make other flowers bloom. Each flower that blooms makes a musical sound that blends in with the music in the background. I could seriously play this game for 12 hours straight and enjoy it.
Pixeljunk Eden PS3 - I am confused by what this game is about. The control scheme still screws me up pretty frequently. I've always had a distaste for time limits, but the one in this game seems fairly easy to keep under control. I haven't progressed too far yet, so I'm sure that'll change. I would try to explain it a bit, but I really can't figure out what is going on most of the time.
Noby Noby Boy PS3 - What. I really have zero idea what this game is. I don't think it's actually a game. If I ever want to feel like I have no control over what's going on, I play this. It's from the people who made Katamari, but... this is just beyond comprehension. You stretch and eat and stretch further. That's all I can gather. Sometimes a dog will jump on your back, and sometimes you go up to space and there's a giant guy hanging out on top of the world and then there's a parrot or something.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3 - Yawn. I'm glad I got this on the cheap. Normally I'm all about some swords and magic and runnin' about, but this crap is really... nerdy, I guess. Unbearably nerdy. And ughhhhhhhhhh the character designs are HIDEOUS. Bethesda's designs are always pretty awful, but this game sets a new standard for ugly. Also, how am I supposed to know straight out the gate whether I want to be a Dark Elf War Mage or whatever. Too many options! Don't just throw me into a world and expect me to care enough to figure out all of the intricacies because I will get bored and play something like...
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction PS3 - YES. This is what I'm flippin' talkin' about, me hearties! I've never played any other title in the Ratchet & Clank series and now I'm super stoked to go back and play the PS2 games because this game is awesome. I haven't had this much fun playing a game since... I don't even know. Mario 64, maybe? It's hard to say! It isn't hard to say that this game is a total blast, though. So many fun weapons and upgrades and beautiful and varied stages. A simple but really fun story. Great character designs. The cut scenes are really impressively animated and actually really funny, which is a rare occurance in a video game. I only just picked this up a few days ago, but I'm already a R&C fanboy 4ever. And they've been releasing like 1 a year since 2002 so I've got something new to keep me from getting anything important done!
So there you have it. I hope you agree with everything I say.
A guy at work decided he wanted to color my drawing. Here are the results, they make me giggle:
It looks like Inner City Fashion. He's not much of a gamer and doesn't know what Ratchet & Clank look like. I think I like these colors better.