[A poker-faced individual who looks like he just walked out of a black-and-white movie (possibly one about mad scientists) is wandering the corridors. Occasionally he'll stop and try a door, linger outside just long enough to figure out what the room contains, then shuts the door and goes back to stalking the halls.]
[So far, he hasn't said a word;
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Oddly enough, this wouldn't be the first time she's been caught starkers though due to that unusual ability of hers before she was shown how to actually stop that from happening. Oddly though the thought hasn't occured to her to use that ability right now.]
[He just stares. Then realises he's staring and turns the hell around with his sleeve hurriedly pressed over his eyes.]
Excuse me. I was not aware I had walked into a nudist colony.
Give me your jacket.
[OH NO NOT THE JACKET He hesitates, then reluctantly begins tugging at his sleeves. with a weary kind of sigh.]
One moment, please...
Please try not to crease it. I have yet to find an ironing board in this bizarre establishment.
[She blinks and slowly reaches for the jacket and places it on her naked form and fastening it up so there's no more nudity on display.]
I'll try not to. Uhm, I have an iron in my room though if it's too much of a problem for you?
[He deems it safe to turn back to face her, but averts his eyes as a precaution.]
[It's a weird time to be making with the pleasantaries, but she might as well. Seeing as she's just borrwed the man's jacket and all.]
My name is Corvidan Pleasant. You may call me Dan if you want something shorter and less flashy.
[He folds his arms neatly at his back and steps into line beside her.]
My name's Saft. I don't really have a last name though...Unless you count being a Goldenclaw as a last name, I haven't really thought about it before! Heh.
[Despite appearing to be a regular nineteen year old woman, there's something almost childlike in her nature.]
[Was that a smile...?]
For now, I am happy to simply call you Saft. It is a pleasure to meet you, unfortunate circumstances notwithstanding.
You mean me borrowing your jacket or the fact you've been dumped here in The Nexus?
Though I'm intrigued. Tell me what you know of this 'Nexus', if you'd be so kind.
Well first of all we're trapped. As far as I've seen there's no way out and a few of the residents here have wings. We can't even fly out.
Second of all there are some really weird rooms around here that can make you do weird things, I'm guessing my uhm...nakedness is probably the effect of one of the rooms here or at least a very nasty trick played by The Nexus itself.
I certainly hope it does not intend on playing that particular kind of trick on me.
[All things considered, he seems to be taking this rather well.]
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