Jan 25, 2005 17:01
omgg guess what time it is?? jazzy timeeee.. ok well that was gayy.. anywayzz lets start,, today was a very spiritual dayy..nik wanted me to tell everyone she was very emo.. i luv u nik!! actually im gnna write in lindseyss view.
hey everyone im crying cause i miss my camp i luv u julia lewitt!! today was so emo and spiritual.. aicha in arab aicha in arab.. ( dnt ask) ok well thats enough baq to me
i hate coach ashhh!! she is givin elliot and linzey an a and not me.. cn u belive her .. i hate her that bitch! ok well lmaaaooooo linndzz was so funni todayy i feel bad for thhe ppl who dtnt go to skool with her.. ahhahahahahhhhaha omg linzeyy fuckin sahar ripped ure ear off.. u have like a whole i felt it!! heheheh// okkk and lizs hair today was so emo iwas going flabbergastin..dnt ask.. linzeyy today was veryy hott as usuall!! yayaay fat asses running woohoooooo proud.. lmaoooo... and omg i mite not go to yosemite.. haha ok this is kinda supposed to b bout linzeyy... u like my lil sista lmao linzz.. and by the way omkay is my word../ omg hahaha look at the mood its chipper.. it reminds of linzeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy mahahah.. u gusy imagine linzeyy being chipper.. ok killed dead.. look at me i have no life im wtiting in my frie ds lj and this is her lj im like killing itt.. im gnna go now
comment comment comment 143 143 mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3<<<<<3333 thats for u nik!
-jazzzzzz dedicated too elizabeth ferdman and nicole benyamin and lindsey markley the hottest bitch alive,,,yayayayayaay