things to make summer '05 unforgetable....

Jun 15, 2005 17:28

summer to-do list...
1. get a dark tan
2. go to lake house
3. go boating with friends
4. meet boyz:)
5. become friends with somebody ive never talked to before
6. become closer with past best friends
7. get cash/job!
8. drive with the windows down and the music up
9. go to warp tour
10. keep in touch with school friends
11. hang out with my freshman boys:)
12. dive in a no-diving zone
13. dye my hair again
14. kiss someone *special*
15. fall in the mud
16. sing in the rain
17. play in the rain
18. play at a playground
19. play with sidewalk chalk on somebody elses driveway
20. so to b-ham with the group
21. bon fires...a lot!
22. get more money...
23. lose weight
24. exercise
25. grow my hair
26. fix my cell phone
27. go on a walk at midnight
28. sleep outside
29. fall in love
30. pick flowers for a friend
31. give advice to an adult
32. break a law ...(speeding)
33. play ding dong ditch at least twice
34. play ouside a lot
35. lay outside at night and stare up at the stars
36. play eucher with natalie, collin and eric again:P
37. watch a movie with my brother
38. step on a bug
39. paint my toe nails all different colours:)
40. go to clarkston union
41. live in clarkston:)
42. read harry potter and the half blood prince with natalie jean:):):)
43. smile
44. love myself for once
45. love someone and be loved in return
46. drive past curfewwwww
47. eat a bagle upside down
49. go canoeing
50. write a short story
51. sing at a camp fire
52. take abunch of pictures
53. meet new people
54. go out of town fe like a week
55. go to canada with some friends
56. go to garage sales:)...yes plural!
57. introduce myself to the real world
58. go to frosty boy and wave to island man
59. taste the sun
60. make my own popcicles
61. tell my whole life to a perfect stranger
62. make more bracelettes
63. take a long walk and get to kno a friend a little better
64. watch little or zero tv save for the suite life of zach and favorite show!!!

do comment if ud like to help me accomplish these tasks!;)
Lindz EE~
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