(no subject)

Mar 17, 2005 21:37

i know that im usually the one people come to for good advice, but im kinda in a bind here and i could really use some friends to comfort me on this one.....

i am sooooo insecure about myself its not even funny. did u know that i wont even look in a mirror if i pass one in someones house, or if im in the bathroom? {only first thing in the morning so i kno that i dont look like complete shit} have u ever thought about falling asleep on a friday night because u think noone is out there for you and u'll never find true happiness? have u ever looked in the mirror while eating and thrown ur food away while wiping away your tears with ur napkin that was placed on your lap? have u ever wondered why nice people always finish last? have u ever been teased for the way your pants fit? or how sweatshirts make u look fatter than u really are? and just so everyone knows, the only reason i wear them everyday is because i am ashamed of how i truly look. and i figure that if i can cover it up, i will. have u ever watched a sappy movie and can actually see yourself as the main character who ultimately ends up commiting suicide or marries their best friend? have u ever watched an extreme makeover television show where people get re-made into looking like a famous person and wondered y theyd air that on tv? ew. <>> have u ever had a connection with ur best friend and wondered *if i werent so fat, could there have been somthing?* have u ever felt so loved by those who care and distraught by those who dont? have u ever wondered wut life would be like if u werent here to see wut happens? have u ever gotten really upset and u couldnt explain to ur closest friends y, becuse you dont even know? i have.

post comments for shits and giggles.
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