Apr 03, 2005 11:40
life's perfect metaphore is driving:
you drive, you're tied, you follow invisible barriors set about by lines on a concrete path. Follow the leader late at night lines of red tail lights all going to the same place...no! One can choose to stay in the lines and follow the leader as everyone does but break the rules.. Some people fall asleep in life, swerve off and hit the gaurde rail..hell people have gone through it, died...
But for the most part all of us drive, we drive on this high way of choices where signs say no "u" turn and ONE WAY. Yellow and white solid and dotted lines guide our path and everyone is in a hurry to get to their destination--but does anyone really know where they want to go? you get lost along the way, the car starts to fog as it down pours outside. Time come when the check engine light goes on and you must halt your journey to fix the problem. Drive through some fogg why don't you? On the highway cars come in and out of your lane as quickly as people do in your life, you may be going to exit 25 while they are going to exit 23, you get to know them, realize they are the asshole that cut you off two miles back, and you want to avoid them, or flip them off, which ever, either way works!
life is like driving so take a cruise-
drive and have no destination, drive with the windows down while it is pouring outside, blast the tunes in the city sing at the top of your lungs, know that that road you can drive up and not even watch the road will always be there, realize that the check engine and gas lights will come on, flat tires and new spark plugs happen, fog rolls in and rain comes down but sunny days are always the best to just drive, alone or with a friend.