Sweatshirts are on my website, people! Adorable
plushies from Holly too! (i have 3 more plushies and 1 more hoodie to add to the menu, need photos first) I hope to get more of the hoodies that some of you suggested made and up soon too, by christmas at the least. I am strapped for credit/cash right now, so I am limited to bare nessecity investments.
Hopefully it wont be much longer to add the stuff like keychains/cell phone charms too.
Please view the revised and updated website. (click link)
Sweatshirts and plushies are under "Store" in their own sections!
And for the love of god, buy a few. I am broke!!
(and the sizing is fixed now! Also, FYI: For the red, blue and brown hats i have Medium in stock only. White i have Small and Medium only and Black i have S, M, L adult in stock. Getting more soon!)