Sep 08, 2005 22:49
I was just looking at my calender and realized (for the second time) that the senior trip to the U.K is over easter weekend! wtf is that!?!?! not only is it going to be expensive, but i have to miss my favourite holiday, and i wont get to see all of my family! grr...maybe I wont go....I probably cant afford it anyway, and I dont think I'd be allowed to do the senior trip and the intermediate one to phhilidelphia, (especially since the only reason I'd go is for senior winds and Im going to be in alot more intermediate ensembles). meh, just another reason for my mom to let me get a job.
but on a brighter note, I get to play commencement, which means I get to see Kellie, Jeff, Blythe, Khiran, SeeSee, and the rest of the gang graduate. i even get to play their processional! awesome huh? im pretty hyped about this, even though the only reason Im there is because julian quit. but wutever. It's still gonna be fun! XD...Im still thinking about going for OLT, but now im not sure if Ill have enough time. I would love to do it, and my mom thinks i should but I would really also like to have a life. Meh, i dont even know when auditions are, so i guess I probably have time to consider it.
Im out,