Apr 26, 2005 20:55

yeah, so. long time no update. Nuthin much has been goin on, ya know.The same boring stuff as usual. I Gotted my bottom braces today, pretty cool. owch though. Spent music class/band sitting with my head bowed in shame while b-man told me not to play, and gave me "encouraging" smiles and winks and stuff.He also kinda gave me some "pep talks" after class, and after band and I REALLY appreciated that.Lol, random blurp, but Miss.McClacherty was HILARIOUS in band today. Regina Philange, U ROCK! LMAO. k, so back onto the initial subject,Ive decided that i'm not going to begrudge myself over the trumpet/braces issue anymore anymore. Im gonna apologize to the b-man, and explain everything to him. most of everything would be that I think im holding the rest of the band back, mainly because i suck (at trumpet). i also realize how immaturely i've been behaving in class, and that i've been kinda rude to him (him being the b-man). i really didnt mean to be like that, it just sorta happened. The reason would be......the braces. I know that sounds incredibly retarded, but it's true. When i got them, my confidence dropped. I had no self esteem, and thats what was making me act like that. I felt like I needed to be badly behaved to get attention, because I can't play very well anymore. I know it was wrong, but it took me the whole friggin year to realize it. thats the bad part. I realize that there are a couple of bad influences around me, who are unfocused, and will do anything to get out of band.I started following their example, and thats why b-man has been disappointed in me lately, so I believe. hopefully I'll be able to play with the braces, and ignore the bad influences, and maybe have a better time in grade 10. Im sorry B-man! :(
P.s~ Thanx a BUNCH to Mr.B, for a) putting up with me all year
and b) Being so nice and supportive today. I really appreciate ur encouragment, and knowing that u care makes me wanna try that much harder!<3
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