Oct 24, 2008 19:36
I don't understand why I feel so drained. It's not like I worked especially hard on anything this week. Well, there was (and is) that presentation. Which I must redo. Only my advisor could make redoing my hour-and-a-half, legal document supported presentation for Advanced Themes in Human Rights sound like 50 metric tonnes of pure fun. Really, he's a little too excited about it. I think he secretly wishes he could make a student presentation again.
My advisor on the strange position of international law in regard to protecting LGBT people:
"It's kind of like a 'don't ask don't tell' policy...only it's really 'don't ask, don't kill.'"
I really appreciate being able to crack bad jokes about human rights law with someone. Especially a professor who does asylum cases in his spare time.
So yes, best advising session ever. Also the most work-generating.
Guh. Brain...so...numb...
So, totally unrelated, reading The Virgin's Lover has brought me to the conclusion that Phillipa Gregory really wants to sex her protagonist, despite the fact that his powers of douche-ishness could cleanse and pleasantly scent a superfund site. This makes for some bad writing very awkward sex scenes.
I sense a distinct advantage to being a lesbian writer with a male protagonist. Assuming I, you know, write something.
human rights,