Aug 23, 2005 01:01
I was at the caravan fair from 8:00 to 2:30. It was soooo long. I took a 15 minute nap when there were no kids in the nursery on a beanbag chair around 10. I went strait home and slept from 3:00 to 3:50 because I had to work at 4:00.
Sunday was good. I played my guitar and sang a special during the evening service, then all the college kids went out to DQ Grill & Chill. I didn't want to spend much $$ so I got a Dilly Bar. There is a guy in the college group that seems to be paying special attention to me often... I'm guessing that's because I'm really friendly and inviting for conversation. Anywho, he's a nice guy and all, 6'4'', but he's 29 and is divorced with two kids ages 7 and 4 that don't live with him. I thought he was maybe 24 when I met him after Church last Sunday night, but then a friend who knows him told me his age and situation. I would like to be his friend, but if he pursues me I'll tell him to wait a while because 1. I'll be living in Cheney, and 2. Given his history I don't want to date him until I know him very well, which is why the friendship thing works so well. The positve side to him is that he can sing well and he loves Jesus.
Anywho... I worked today from noon until 10:30 with a 45 minute break before dinner, and I'm a little tired. Tomorrow I have a meeting with the pastor at Church to go over my YIM presentation on Sunday evening, then right after that I have work from 10:00 until 4:00, but it might go longer... I am going with my client's family to the fair. My job is to keep her entertained, diaper changed, and out of the sun. Since I already have a ticket into the fair for tomorrow, I might see if anyone wants to go with me around 6:00. I might ask that one guy to go with me if he wants to buy a ticket into the fair. I really can't go alone though. I did one year in high school and it was dumb.
I'm trying to see if I can get a job with a BBQ vendor at the fair since he was hiring temporary helpers... I left him a message and told him that I am working tomorrow and Wednesday but I can work in the evenings those days.
Oh yes! My 20th Birthday is Saturday the 27th!!!
I'm having a BBQ at my house at 7 PM. If you want to go, give me a call :)509.544.8110
Well, I'm off to bed since I have to be out of the house by 8:55.